20 Mcdonald’s ‘Sad Meals’ Shared On This Instagram Account

Published 2 years ago

When you order from a fast food joint you’ve seen the glossy ads, you know exactly what you are supposed to be getting in that moment and while it may not be exactly accurate it needs to be at least 95% close to the images or so one would think. After all it’s a relatively simple combination of ingredients stacked together. So, it’s definitely odd when your order is completely out of whack.

Strangest thing is it seems to happen so often that there’s an entire Instagram page called, McSenget, dedicated to collecting the worst McDonald’s order people have gotten and some of these are so unimaginably bad it definitely needs some shaming. After all, nobody wants to be hungry and get something like what’s depicted in the images below of what’s supposed to maybe be a ‘Happy Meal’ but looks more like a “Sad Meal”.

More info: Instagram

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Image source: mcsenget

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



bad burghers, fast food fails, mcdonald's fail, mcdonalds, product fails, weird McDonald's