Tumblr Users Explain How Men Can Have Anorexia Too After Someone Begins Doubting One Man’s Before-And-After Photos

Published 5 years ago

Even though there’s plenty of information available on the internet, there’s still a lot of stigma surrounding eating disorders even to this day. Some people still refuse to believe that bulimia and anorexia are real disorders and think the ones affected should just “eat something” – which is just as bad as saying “Just stop being sad” to someone suffering from depression. And, apparently, some people believe that men can also be affected by eating disorders.

A while ago, Reddit user Andrew G. posted some photos of himself before and after overcoming anorexia. The majority of people on the internet were happy for the man, congratulating him on his success, but as the story made its way to Tumblr, someone decided to rain on the parade.

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After overcoming anorexia, Reddit user andrewg06 shared his progress photos with the world

Image credits: andrewg06

It was a difficult journey and the man was very proud of his achievement

Image credits: andrewg06

Image credits: libertarirynn

Sadly, not everyone was supportive of him and someone couldn’t understand how a man can end up with the eating disorder

Image credits: libertarirynn

So other users took it upon themselves to explain it

Image credits: libertarirynn

Image credits: libertarirynn

Image credits: libertarirynn

Image credits: libertarirynn

Anorexia, or anorexia nervosa, is an eating disorder that’s typically characterized by extremely low weight, dieting and the fear of gaining weight. It is estimated that approximately 2.9 million people around the world are affected by this eating disorder.

Other users shared their own stories

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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Andrew beat anorexia, anorexia, anorexia discussion, anorexia nervosa, be your own superhero, Diet and exercise, genetic disorder, health, his own superhero, male anorexia discussion, man beat anorexia, mental disorder, mental health, mental illness, metabolic disorder, metabolic illness, people ask if men can have anorexia, people explain that men can have anorexia, physical disorder, Physical Health, Physical illness, research, science