Making difference in Children life with Technology

Published 9 years ago

Be it a school or a college, teachers are always in a constant mode of improving children learning experience. In this era of technology, where everyone is using some kind of technology to make their life easier, schools and colleges are not behind. In fact today, educational institutions are promoting their schools or colleges, making this as a reason for them to stand high amongst others. However, many parents and teachers also feel that this kind of learning system is not as fruitful as the traditional method. Today will highlight the potential benefits of using this technology for learning purposes that a teacher and parent must understand.

Increase motivation for studies – The traditional methods of teaching and learning are becoming boring day by day. Studies have proved that students learn 20% more while reading on the internet compared to reading from books. We have seen children learning songs or videos on the internet quickly rather than asking them to learn a poem from the book. This is because, the way these videos and songs are recorded, it immediately attracts attention of kids. Hence, the new technological devices like class lecture recorder are becoming an ideal method for motivating students to study. Children are finding more reasons to complete their homework or projects timely because with learning they are also getting their hands on new learning device.

Building technical skills – Technology is everywhere you go today. Therefore everybody needs a certain amount of skill set to use this technology. Using new technological devices as their learning method, kids are becoming more accustomed to the use of new technologies. With skills like researching for their project and typing, kids are now able to keep them at par with the ever changing world.

Work as a team – In today’s time, teachers are more focussed on practical knowledge than theoretical and hence every now and then children receive projects as their homework. In order to inculcate the habit of togetherness within kids, teachers often give projects in team. As a result, students end up working together and side by side improve their communication skills as well. They are able to share their ideas and creativity with each other. With discussions and inquisitiveness, there is a remarkable improvement in their problem solving ability without adults. This further helps when they grow and start their work life

Help social needs – Every human is different and hence the capability to grasp is different. Not every kid can grapple everything that is taught in the class. This can further impact their exam results. Technology has not helped in making learning easier but has also helped children who have slow learning curve or some form of disability. With the help of classroom recordings, children can re-run the videos and recap whatever was taught in the class. This has certainly helped such children to stand at par with other children in the class.

At the end, technology is a useful method by which educational bodies can improve the learning experience. Competition will always exist. However, by use of technology you can encourage children to acquire better life skills.

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Little boy child kid playing games on smartphone mobile phone outdoor. Technology generation.

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class lecture recorder