Russian Photographer Takes Pictures Of Squirrels Going NUTS In The Snow
Squirrels are funny little critters that flit around trees like little brown flashes. Vadim Trunov, a Russian photographer, got pictures of some of these little rascals playing in the snow. And fighting – with winter around, those squirrels got into a quarrel over a pinecone, whose juicy seeds make for a tasty winter snack!
Vadim says that he simply left the cone on the ground and it eventually attracted a squirrel. And then, a challenger appeared! He was at ground zero of an epic squirrel duel and captured it all on camera. Needless to say, it is a very cute fight, as far as fights go.
When Vadim isn’t observing squirrels, he also takes amazing pictures of bugs!
More info: 500px | vadimtrunov.35photo.ru (h/t: dailymail)
Got wisdom to pour?
these are amazing..not sure what tricks were used to get this kind of squirrel cooperation