20 Funny And Thought-Provoking Depictions By Artist Lucas Levitan
Brazilian-born multimedia artist Lucas Levitan is best known for his project, “Photo Invasion”. Currently based in Madrid, Levitan finds random Instagram photos online to which he can add his own brand of creativity to enhance the image and reveal a ‘hidden story’.
His latest series of depictions have captured audiences once more with their surprising imaginativeness. The artist admits, their goal is to have fun and engage his audience in a “unique and memorable way”. Scroll below for a peek at some of his most interesting works shared in the gallery below.
More info: Instagram | lucaslevitan.com | Facebook | twitter.com
Image source: lucaslevitan
Image source: lucaslevitan
Image source: lucaslevitan
Image source: lucaslevitan
Image source: lucaslevitan
Image source: lucaslevitan
Image source: lucaslevitan
Image source: lucaslevitan
Image source: lucaslevitan
Image source: lucaslevitan
Image source: lucaslevitan
Image source: lucaslevitan
Image source: lucaslevitan
Image source: lucaslevitan
Image source: lucaslevitan
Image source: lucaslevitan
Image source: lucaslevitan
Image source: lucaslevitan
Image source: lucaslevitan
Image source: lucaslevitan
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