25 Signs That Indicate Someone Is Of Low Intelligence

Published 6 months ago

With time and experience, we have learned to analyse patterns to hone our ability to predict logical outcomes. This critical thought process has allowed us some degree of warning when dealing with potentially uncomfortable situations. So, what factors should we consider when assessing the level of intelligence of an individual we may have to potentially engage with? A couple of Netizens wondered the same thing and posted online seeking advice. Scroll below to see what Redditors had to say in response. 

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#1 Casual littering is one that gets me.

Image source: lucid-waking, Suzy Hazelwoo/pexels

#2 Kinda an oddly specific one, but people who brag about doing dangerous things and thinking they have the biggest c*ck in the world for it. I had a coworker once who was bragging about the fact that he was going over 100 on the freeway that morning and my manager looks at him and says “you were going over 100 in your s**t car with your pregnant girlfriend?”

Image source:  Sylvaintheg, Taras Makarenko/pexels

#3 They talk about being an alpha male.

Image source: mediapunk, Wendel Natan/pexels

#4 Thinking that they know how everything works. Typically, from my own experience, the smarter someone is the more they admit just how little they actually know.

Image source: NightBoat86, Zen Chung/pexels

#5 Using complex words without fully grasping what they mean. I do it sometimes, it makes me sound photosynthesis.

Image source: DBD1906, Anna Shvets/pexels

#6 Not being able to distinguish facts from opinions.

Image source: RollingTwenty21, Tirachard Kumtanom/pexels

#7 Often wrong but never in doubt.

Image source: TheGynechiatrist, Samson Katt/pexels

#8 Only use one source of news and believe it fully instead of looking across a number of different sources.

Image source: MastodonPristine8986, Karolina Kaboompics/pexels

#9 Absolute insistence that scientists are all lying because they are in the bag of government grants while Ignoring the three scientists who are Making three times money shilling for corporations.

Image source: gerryf19, Pixabay/pexels

#10 Instead of having a good point in an argument, they call you names and insult you.

Image source: _90s_Nation_, Liza Summer/pexels

#11 Lack of curiosity.

Image source: craiggy36

#12 They have strong opinions about topics they don’t really even understand the basics of.

Image source: dd68516172c58d63f802, nappy /pexels

#13 Repeating rhetoric, you have heard, but not being able to actually explain what it means.

Image source: RMN1999_V2

#14 Laughing or mocking people for asking dumb questions. Intellectual humility is the only way we learn.

Image source: anon, Gary Barnes/pexels

#15 They see the world in black and white. There is no nuance. No understanding of the other side of anything. There is only right and wrong; and conveniently they are alway on the side of ‘right.’.

Image source: canadianinkorea

#16 No self awareness.

Image source: idahoward, cottonbro studio/pexels


Self awareness is a pretty big one. There’s a lot of people I know that would hate themself if they were able to meet themself.

#17 Sexism, racism, ableism. And, even worse: The toxic assumption they have all the awareness they need and could never learn to do better. A lack of awareness of your own privilege.

Image source: Dry-Criticism-7729, Karolina Kaboompics/pexels

#18 Celebrity worship i.e. the Kardashians.

Image source: jzillaa1

#19 When they never questioned the beliefs they grew up with.

Image source: Alone_Stress1921, cottonbro studio/pexels

#20 Not being able to learn from mistakes. There’s a Chinese proverb that says that…

Image source: jakeofheart, Chinmay Singh/pexels

Smart people learn from their mistakes, but the really wise ones learn from other’s mistakes. When it comes to fools, sadly they (edit typo) do NOT learn from anyone’s mistakes.

As long as you can learn from mistakes, you are at least half as more smart than you really need to be to succeed in life…

#21 The inability/unwillingness to try understand someone else’s point of view, and how their personal experiences contribute to that view. It doesn’t mean you have to accept it, or agree with it, just try understand it.

Image source: Murky-Fox-200, Antoni Shkraba/pexels

#22 No critical thought. I knew a lady who got suspicious of the donkey charity adverts on TV because “if they’re helping new donkeys, why are they still showing the old ones.”

Image source: bordercollie_adhd, LML 6768/pexels

#23 Hate people that don’t look/act/think like them, people who are cruel. Greatest telltale signs. People with low intelligence tend to show distain towards things they don’t understand, or that don’t fit their world view.

Image source: Chris210, Timur Weber /pexels

#24 I feel like people who ride motorcycles without wearing at least a helmet have low intelligence.

Image source: omg-its-bacon, cottonbro studio/pexels

#25 They tell you about the time they scored 450 in an online IQ test.

Image source: freshprinceofponciau, Alberto G./flickr


Over my years of the Early Internet, it was always easy to spot to a pseudo-intellectual by how readily they dropped 200 or close to 200 as their score. Because they didn’t know that’s a ludicrous score to lie about.

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

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behaviours, indicators, intelligence, low intelligence, people, signs