Guy Spent 4 Years Growing A Living Tree Church
The Church is made of people, and this church is made of plants. New Zealand’s Barry Cox spent fours years building the Tree Church. The structure stands in his back yard. An iron frame stands in the middle, surrounded by carefully chosen trees. The roof is covered with branches that give easily to training, and will eventually make up the actual roof. They have been also chosen for the density of the leaves, to let the light in. Another kind of trees were chosen for walls, since they have a stone like color.
Church architecture has been an interest of Barry Cox for a long time. He has also had a lot of experience in transplanting trees. Cox’s company, Tree Locations, uses a truck-borne tree space to transplant grown plants, saving them from being cut down. This also allowed him to make the 4 year Tree Church look like it is a way older project.
I wonder if asking for ents would be blasphemy.
More info: treechurch.co.nz | treelocations.co.nz (h/t: boredpanda, stuff.co.nz)
Tree Church presentation video:
Got wisdom to pour?
I want to buy this church and make it my home
I want to die in this church….how peaceful would that be?
I want to get married in this church
Can you imagine how glorious that would be?!?