These Librarians Recreated The Kardashian Photoshoot, And It Looks Even Better Than The Original

Published 7 years ago

10 years on the screen is definitely something to be celebrated, and, in order to do so, The Kardashian family got together for The Hollywood Reporter cover photoshoot, yet they are not the only ones excited about this milestone. A group of librarians from New Zealand’s Invercargill City Library decided to keep up with them and organized, in their words, “a totally impromptu, definitely not planned, photo-shoot” in order to promote libraries to the younger generation.

The guys of the group got to flaunt their best in the more sexualized positions “for both humor and to show how silly it would be to pose males like that,” commented the Library’s digital communications manager Bonnie Mager (who poses in the picture as Kylie Jenner). “The girls just went with who had the most accurate clothing to match those people.”

To the surprise of the witty librarians, the photo went viral instantly with over 8000 likes and shares on social media and a wave major publishing media attention. Mager said that she and her colleagues had thought the photo had viral potential but didn’t expect it to be that huge.

(h/t boredpanda)

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It has been 10 years since the Kardashians first graced our screens

To “celebrate” that, a team of librarians has decided to replicate Hollywood Reporter’s cover in “a totally impromptu, definitely not planned, photo-shoot”

The staff of Invercargill City Libraries and Archives (New Zealand) seem like the best team ever

Some people, however, had their doubts about this photo-shoot

But most were delighted Invercargill City Libraries and Archives did something out of the ordinary


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hollywood reporter cover, Invercargill City Libraries and Archives, kardashian parody, keeping up with the kardashians, the kardashians, the librarians, the librarians vs the kardashians