31 Vintage Photos Of LGBT+ People Proving They Are Not “Something Millennials Invented”
They say true love knows no bounds – yet not everyone can quite understand this concept and try to enforce their own views on how love should look like. This is especially prevalent when it comes to love between gay couples, with some people going as far as calling it “something millennials invented”.
Tired of this prejudice, former priest Nathan Monk has collected a series of vintage photos of gay couples, proving they were always there but were afraid of openly showing their feelings. “I found the photos online through a couple of different posts,” said Father Nathan in an interview with Bored Panda. “I shared them because I think it’s important to remember those that come before us, those that fought, and struggled to live their authentic life. I believe it’s important to be reminded that LGBTQ+ have always been part of society and always will be. That reality should be lovingly accepted instead of shunned and ridiculed.”
Image credits: Father Nathan Monk
Image source: Sebastien Lifshitz
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
The man says LGBTQ+ people still face a lot of prejudice even in our modern times. This is especially dangerous to those living in poverty. “A trans person living on the streets is more likely to be rejected by shelter programs, more likely to experience physical and sexual assault, and so many other dangers,” says Father Nathan. “We need to continue to elevate these stories and realities until everyone has a safe place to call home.”
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
Father Nathan is no longer a priest and currently operates a homeless shelter and an educational institute. One the weekends he usually travels to different communities to discuss poverty and homelessness solutions. He is also the author of two books: Chasing the Mouse and Charity Means Love.
Check out the adorable vintage photos of gay couples in the gallery below!
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
Image source: Sebastien Lifshitz
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
Image source: Brassai
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
Image source: Sebastien Lifshitz
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
Image source: Wikimedia
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
Image source: Father Nathan Monk
Got wisdom to pour?
Being gay is a sin