Leica M9 Falls Off The Balcony, Breaks The Ground

Published 10 years ago

Cameras are delicate pieces of equipment that should be treated with care. Except for this Leica M9, which fell off a balcony and broke the ground. Weibo user Saigon Matches had placed the M9 on the balcony railing to take pictures of it with his other camera. Unfortunately, a gust of wind toppled the Leica, and it fell down to the hotel pool.

Fortunately for Saigon Matches, it didn’t nor crack or make a splash. In fact, the hardy camera managed to break off a piece of ledge surrounding the hotel pool. The M9 didn’t emerge without a scratch, though: it had suffered some damage to the leather case and a dent in the metal hood.

More info: weibo.com (h/t: petapixel)

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Martynas Klimas

Writes like a mad dervish, rolls to dodge responsibility, might have bitten the Moon once.

Got wisdom to pour?



break, camera, camera fall, fall, ground breaking, hardware, leica, Leica M9, Saigon Match, weibo