Delicious Lego Sculptures By Japanese Artist
We bring you another delicious-looking food that you shouldn’t eat. Except this time, it’s not because it will ruin your diet, this time because it’s constructed solely out of Lego bricks.
The Japanese Lego artist known as Tary uses the world’s most popular constructor to create these appetising sculptures of pizzas, desserts and even full-course-meals like bento dinner.
But the Lego master does more than food sculptures. He also sculpts pop-culture characters from Star Wars, Transformers and various comic books (yeah, he did Deadpool). Yet the sculptures that win him Lego competitions are these of detailed foods. Even looking from up close it’s hard to believe they’re made using only Lego bricks as the sculptures seem to have taken the qualities of their real counterparts.
Oh, and if you have a chance to visit Tokyo, make sure to go see the Lego food display for yourself, through May 31, 2016 at ClickBrick Lego store in Odaiba, Tokyo.
More info: tary’s blog | flickr (h/t: spoon&tamago)
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