40 Of The Best Memes From “The Language Nerds” Page
A turn of phrase or a witty retort is especially impressive when it’s rife with puns galore. Indeed, playing around with the intricacies of a language is a feat worthy of being highlighted. Thus, ‘The Language Nerds’ was born to quench mankind’s thirst for masterful manipulations of languages and dialects as seen below.
More info: The Language Nerds | Facebook | Instagram
Image source: henriksen
CanadianDimes: This is the best thing I have ever seen.
Image source: The Language Nerds
Undercover: Et tu, Brute? 😁
Image source: The Language Nerds
Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My!: One probably shouldn’t use a chainsaw under water, eggs or no eggs.
Image source: JenAshleyWright
Image source: SteveHofstetter
Delta Dawn: And someone who is agnorant is called an agnoranter
Image source: The Language Nerds
Remi (He/Him): But if they took the one on the left you’d be all right
Image source: The Language Nerds
Ritchat: Tildes will save your butt, literally.
Image source: The Language Nerds
Kel_how: You’re not dumb! You just scored Salsa on you work – I’ve never done that!
Image source: The Language Nerds
Olivia Lisbon: Interestingly, apparently commas started off as breathing marks for actors on stage, or so I’ve heard.
Image source: The Language Nerds
kraftmacaroniandbeez: my favorite polish word is wstrząs 🙃
Image source: The Language Nerds
Image source: The Language Nerds
James Edwards: Made me chuckle +1
Image source: The Language Nerds
Min: Woooosh
Image source: The Language Nerds
Adam Chang (edited): Charlie will be president one day
Image source: The Language Nerds
Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My!: I laughed. Now Audi’s awake. Someone sing him a lullaby, quickly!
Image source: shaferpr
The Original Bruno: Make that kid a physicist!
Image source: The Language Nerds
Image source: The Language Nerds
Melody Shanahan-Kluth: hahaha I see what you did there
Image source: The Language Nerds
Melody Shanahan-Kluth: love this – it is so clever :)
Image source: The Language Nerds
BrownTabby: Ka pai (Māori for “nice one”)
Image source: The Language Nerds
Tuesday: I shouldn’t be giggling like this, but I am, so here we are
Image source: The Language Nerds
Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My!: This was funny! She said laughingly.
Image source: The Language Nerds
Phobrek: Smtary ptans
Image source: The Language Nerds
#1 Candevil Fan: *clapclapclapclapclapclapclapclapclap*
Image source: The Language Nerds
Image source: Wahday44
Image source: The Language Nerds
Image source: The Language Nerds
Corwin 02 (edited): And for those who need a translation 8. Situational dialogue (20 points) A foreigner named Tom asks you for directions and where the toilet is. The following is your conversation. Please complete it. TOM: How can I get to the toilet You:can you speak Chinese? TOM: yes of course You: Let’s speak Chinese then TOM: Okay, no problem You: Turn right ahead and walk straight for 100 meters to reach
Image source: The Language Nerds
Image source: The Language Nerds
Image source: The Language Nerds
Kracken: It’s called being a native speaker
Image source: The Language Nerds
Delta Dawn (edited): Congratulations, it was actually vodka – the alcoholic
Image source: The Language Nerds
Olivia Lisbon: I can only imagine Gordon Ramsay’s expression.
Image source: The Language Nerds
Javelina Poppers: Don’t spoil the vibe.
Image source: The Language Nerds
Image source: The Language Nerds
arthbach: “43% of the world’s population is bilingual, according to Journal of Neurolinguistics, meaning almost half of all people utilise two languages daily. 40% of the world’s population is monolingual, using just one language. 17% of the world’s population is multilingual, or fluent in two or more languages.”
Image source: The Language Nerds
Image source: The Language Nerds
Mart Se: 1 mile is about 16 football pitches long. One football pitch is about 1428 tomatoes
Image source: The Language Nerds
Image source: The Language Nerds
Kyra Heiker: Pete and Repete
Image source: The Language Nerds
Image source: The Language Nerds
Amanda Rose: I can’t say that I have ever been inside of The before. The does look remarkably like a library so maybe The is known by other names in different countries?
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