Learn Anatomy From Knitted Creatures Without Harming Anything
Not everyone gets to do frog dissection in school, and thank God for that. However, Emily Stoneking makes aKNITomy, adorable knitted animal dissections. No, she doesn’t take knife to adorable plush animals. She knits the whole cute/grisly scene from ground up! The soft body, the fluffy innards, the skin flaps – just like at school, but without any of the gore, slime or smell of formaldehyde. And unlike the real thing, these dissections can be displayed in the living room while only slightly disturbing the guests.
Emily knits the bodies of animals and needle-felts the insides. The background is wooden, and the knitted animal is pinned to it – quite realistic, I would say! And if you’re still to squeamish about the thought of felt mice and frogs being dissected, there’s also the alien option.
The secrets of the Roswell crash, knitted and pinned on your wall!
More info: Etsy | Facebook (h/t: boredpanda)
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