KAFT Stories // Element 01

Published 10 years ago

Kaft, known as unique and creative t-shirt designs, starts out a serial of video project that tells the stories and designs of t-shirts with well known video artists.

“Head Slices”, designed by the spanish illustrator Oscar Llorens derived from the idea of “weak pain can talk but the deep one is voiceless”, plays the lead role of first movie of the serial. This character makes his own way by transforming the deep pain inside him into a pain that he can talk about and meets the othEr design Scalas at the end of the video.

The project brings every design of Kaft into action visually and to be the first video project in that a tshirt collection becomes a movie series in the world, will continue with new videos with new story of designs.

KAFT Stories // Element 01 from KAFT on Vimeo.

More info: : <a href="http://www.kaft.com/store/head_slices-tisort/376

“target=”_blank”>Head Slices shirt

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design, digital, digital art, Video