Stunning Macro Photos Of Jumping Spiders by Thomas Shahan
Macro photography is and extraordinary form of visual art that helps us capture the beauty of the miniature world lurking right under our noses. One inhabitant of this mystical world, unseen by the naked eye, is the jumping spider, captured in all its cuteness by photographer Thomas Shahan.
These spiders differ from their kin quite significantly. They have the best eyesight among spiders and they have extremely strong hind legs, both of which are perfect for powerful jumps. Although they do produce silk, it is more often used for shelter and for tethering themselves before jumps rather than for web weaving.
Come face-to-face with these cute and inquisitive predators in Shahan’s vibrant photos!
Source: Flickr
Got wisdom to pour?
I just took a few snaps of a spider that was on a leaf planted outside my house and after searching to see what kind of spider it was, I found your images…which are absolutely beautiful! Thanks so much for sharing these incredible pictures!
They’re just BeauTiiiiiFuuullL <3 It's Unbelievable to see how they each have their own personality! Amazing pics!! (y) hey I'm not a spider fan, and I better not catch them inside my house… Now I have a new found Respect for them because of these pics!!! ;)
What do I think? Fantastic!!
Just look at these luttle fur balls-!! Appalling and punk-rockingly charming all at once.
Great work. … look at that neat pilosity and those speaker cone-like eyeballs and adorable colours. I’sld say I want to take dome home, but I’m positive I already have numerous at home, helpinv keeo the dirtbag-insect population under control.
Stud-Horse MTL
I’m in–AHO!!!