35 Times People Acted Like Complete Jerks In Public

Published 1 month ago

There’s no reason to project bad behaviour onto the unsuspecting public in general, but it still happens way more than it necessarily should. Some people even seem to go out of their way to subject others to unpleasant behaviours for no apparent reason.

These shamefully outrageous actions are quite irritating to deal with for the rest of us, especially when some entitled person is unnecessarily subjecting others to boorish behaviour. So in an attempt to dissuade further selfishness from individuals who don’t seem to realize that they are a pest to society, the internet has become a platform to hold others accountable for their repugnant actions. For anyone confused about what not to do in public, a few examples have been shared in the gallery below.

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#1 Same Kind Of Heartless People

Image source: gwinefcc

#2 Sometimes I Feel Like Some FedEx Drivers Just Do This Kind Of Stuff Because They Think It’s Funny

Image source: Waffle842

Bruh we were home all day you just had to ring the bell. Literally posted it on top of the note.

#3 I Got A Point Off For Stapling My Homework Wrong

Image source: hellokittygurlll

This was just for a daily homework assignment that was worth like 5 points… not an exam or paper or anything.

College is weird.

#4 People Having Entire Conversations On Speakerphone

Image source: TevisLA

#5 To Whoever Threw Their Gender Reveal Party At The Beautiful Sloan’s Lake And Didn’t Clean Up, S***w You

Image source: PaleBlueDotEnthused

#6 My Parents Are The Reason Why I Hate Smoking. My Parents Just Almost Never Clean Their Stuff. Its Kinda Disgusting Ngl. It Has Been Worse Before Though

Image source: Tenshi_Cat

#7 Uninspiring Teacher Comment

Image source: Careful-Total-3216

My 11 year old daughters teacher wrote this comment on her homework. I’m absolutely flabbergasted and angry. This after my daughter just competed in gymnastics nationals a month ago.

#8 This Dude And His Girlfriend Blasting Tiktoks At Full Blast On A 3 Hour Train Ride

Image source: cbn11

My wife and I are on our honeymoon in Italy and the jet lag has basically ruined our sleep schedule. No worries, we’ll just sleep on the train, right? Nope! Instead, we get to listen to hours of TikTok audio courtesy of two apparently socially challenged, self-centered teens. When did it become okay to blast your phone while the people around you are clearly trying to sleep? Ugh.

#9 In A Doctor’s Office Waiting Room – Bare Feet On The Table And Talking Loudly On Her Phone

Image source: reddit.com

#10 Leaving Your Unwanted Meat On The Shelf

Image source: Individual_Gear_898

#11 That Is A Huge Bluetooth Speaker On His Back. Yes, There Is Music Coming Out Of It

Image source: MaximusMurkimus

When I asked him wouldn’t using earbuds be easier, he said I should just [get] my own if what he’s playing bothers me. Way to miss the point, bud.

#12 My Friend Drunkenly Stripped One Of My Garden Trees Of Its Bark

Image source: toby_preston

He’s basically destroyed the tree, so I’m now going to have to pay for removal and replacement which won’t be cheap.

#13 This Lady Calling The Cops And Taking Photos Of Me Eating In My Car On My Lunch On The Public Curb Next To Her House

Image source: DearRefuse3245

I drive a nice car, ive parked here many times, walk away in scrubs and leave at 5 pm, and yet she has called the police twice on me and tried to get my vehicle towed. Ofc the cops said they can’t do anything BECAUSE IT’S A CURB.

#14 My Experience At The Taylor Swift Movie

Image source: nahsonnn

They ignored my pleas to sit down, and took selfie videos (with flash) the entire movie. A lovely experience.

#15 People Stopping Under A Bridge To Avoid Hail Damage To Their Cars

Image source: koulibali

#16 Me$irl

Image source: redeyed_coyote

#17 Grown Woman Peeing At Her Seat At The Taylor Swift Concert

Image source: Travellingtrex

#18 Local Theater Leaves The Wall Sconces Lit ‘For Safety’

Image source: True-Paint5513

Who doesn’t like watching a movie in a well-lit theater?
There are fairy lights lighting the walkways, so I can’t imagine how much safety a brightly lit wall could add. These sconces were directly in our peripheral, making it hard to see the screen through 3D glasses.

#19 A Guest Left Their Room Like This After One Month Of Staying At My Friend’s Hotel

Image source: JumpyyyKO

#20 Influencer Camera Set Up

Image source: Dillpickle2002

I’m trying to take a nap during my 6 hour layover at Denver Airport and without warning or asking, a pair of people set up these bright face lights and have been complaining about people other than them being in an airport

#21 At A Concert With A Woman Who Was Filming With Flash On The Entire Time

Image source: Dante18

#22 Someone Put Bubble Gum In The Phone Charger

Image source: DumbusMaxim0

#23 Found One

Image source: PloopPlaap

#24 Woman Uses Feet To Play Slot Machine In Casino

Image source: Primal_Rage_official

#25 Food Delivery Guy Picking Up The Customer’s Order From The Restaurant

Image source: FuturisticFighting

#26 Prescott Az, Resident Idiot Has A New Message For All Y’all

Image source: askthebones

#27 Tis The Season For Giving Living Breathing Animals To People As Gifts Without Prior Consent

Image source: PaleBlueDotEnthused

#28 Karen And Her Husband Blocking Parking Spots For Their Family Who Were “Right Around The Corner”

Image source: broomshed

#29 Busy Public Park On A Hot Saturday/Labor Day Weekend. Seems Super Entitled. Park Has Been Open For 4 Hours And No Sign Of Them. All The Other Tables Are Full

Image source: AV16mm

#30 Scammer Pretending To Have My Lost Cat For 50$

Image source: Negative_Estate_2061

#31 Seen In A Walmart Parking Lot

Image source: SnooCupcakes2275

#32 Woman Stops Traffic To Wait In Line At Dunkin’ Donuts

Image source: twinkle_toes123_

#33 Just This. Its 7 Am And Everything Is “Taken”

Image source: Krytykx2

#34 Man At Airport Unplugs ATM To Charge His Phone

Image source: thatballerinawhovian

Waiting for my delayed flight and this guy walks up next to me to unplug the ATM so he can charge his phone. There’s only the one ATM. Guess he’s the most important person in this entire airport.

#35 My Dad Went To Our Cabin For The Weekend And Was Greeted With This

Image source: TheSheriffMT

Shanilou Perera

Shanilou has always loved reading and learning about the world we live in. While she enjoys fictional books and stories just as much, since childhood she was especially fascinated by encyclopaedias and strangely enough, self-help books. As a kid, she spent most of her time consuming as much knowledge as she could get her hands on and could always be found at the library. Now, she still enjoys finding out about all the amazing things that surround us in our day-to-day lives and is blessed to be able to write about them to share with the whole world as a profession.

Got wisdom to pour?



audacity, jerk behaviour, jerks, outrageous, people