Ivy – Bicycle Cable Lock Inspired by Nature
‘Ivy’ by Sono Mocci from Italy is one of the shortlisted design entries from more than 3000 participants in the designboom competition, ‘seoul cycle design competition 2010’, organized in collaboration with Seoul design foundation.
“Why does our bicycle need to be connected to light poles by chains like a criminal in prison? Inspired by nature, the design of this cable wire lock is a mimicry of ivy. It is unified in our dailyscene and promotes protection of the environment. It is soft and feels natural. ‘Ivy’ is a plugto awaken the relationship between you and society. 4 dial number lock, steel wire + silicon gomcovered. 2 sizes: short (900mm), long (1500mm)” – says designer.
The only thing I’m afraid of is that someone would steal your cable lock instead!
Would you like to have such an amazing bicycle lock?
Got wisdom to pour?
Great design…. but do you really expect to protect a bike with that!? With a pair of pliers and 30 seconds that bike is gone.
“Why does our bicycle need to be connected to light poles by chains like a criminal in prison?”
Because criminals steal bikes, and chains, D-locks, and thick cables are the best ways to deter them.
This is the flimsiest security I’ve ever seen. Good inspiration, but a bike thief could just pull that apart, never mind easily slicing through it with a pair of bolt cutters.
Use a (much) thicker cable, dress it up like a tree limb instead. Don’t use luggage locks and cables to secure a bike.
@70a46d1b90455d61f318f2b93531d2cb:disqus That’s the beauty of it; it not actually ivy, it’s probably a strong plastic. So, it will be uncuttable by conventional methods.
One of the best design ideas i’ve ever seen! amazing!
Love the design, but couldn’t someone just cut it off? Aesthetic but not very safe.