20 Current Aesthetic Trends That Will Age Poorly, As Shared By People In This Online Community
When it comes to decorating and designing your oasis, you do whatever makes your house feel homely, cozy, and welcoming. No offense to all the babushkas, but if having a dusty old carpet hung up on your wall makes you feel good, you do you! Yet, if you are someone looking to redecorate your house space, this post might be just for you.
Over a month ago, someone on the Real Estate subreddit asked, “What current aesthetic trends do you think will age poorly?” Many people jumped on the thread to share unoriginal and highly overused house interior trends that need to go. Do you agree with some of them? Do you have any ‘outdated’ home trends to add to the list?
More info: Reddit
Image source: Ithurtsprecious, Skylar Kang
I ban any decorations with words on it, no matter how cute it is.
Image source: AffectionatePause152, Sara Sadeghloo
20-foot ceiling living rooms on 2-story homes. What a waste of space for a great extra room on the 2nd floor. Ceilings can max out at 10 feet and still feel high.
Image source: Veeg-Tard, Arm Sarv
Flipper grey everything.
Image source: snowgrrll, MINDY JACOBS
Barn doors and farmhouse sinks, unless the house is actually on acreage/a farm.
Image source: PompousPun
Open layouts make the house appear bigger, but I can’t get over how much it makes a house echo. When you have more than a few people in the space it’s impossible to have much privacy.
Image source: butteryspoink
Pallet wood. You have no idea what the hell soaked into those things during their lifetime/transport.
Image source: Kay312010, charlesdeluvio
Open shelves in the kitchen.
Image source: effesstorm
Kitchens that are floor to ceiling subway tile (and all it’s derivative tiles) on all walls. It resembles a rest stop bathroom and will start to feel as dated as taupe walls in a McMansion do now.
Image source: SunglassesBright
Linear mosaic. Oh god it’s f*****g ugly and there was a period where everyone was asking for it. I straight up tell our clients not to do it. It’s going to look like s**t in 10 years. It looks like s**t now but it will be so obviously dated.
Image source: snny_all_year, Annie Spratt
The Moroccan tile everywhere. It fits in some houses, but it’s being put everywhere right now. I think it’s not going to age well except in houses where it’s aligned with the rest of the architecture.
Image source: theartofgettingup
Anything that says Live. Laugh. Love.
Image source: giggles-mcgee, Olivier Bergeron
Paint everything that’s old white.
Image source: bzzibee, Sharad kandoi
Black painted houses. Annoying as f**k to upkeep.
Image source: s_0_s_z, Curtis Adams
Brass faucets and other brass accents. It’s part of that disgusting 80s retro look that has become popular along with hunter Green and mustard yellow colors. Stop it. It was gross back then, it looks no [better] now in the 2020s.
Image source: SheWhoWelds, Sidekix Media
All white kitchens. White cabinets, white quartz countertops, etc. Looks great in magazines but if you’re actually cooking meals most of the week, it has to be a nightmare to keep everything sparkling clean.
Image source: hiccupmortician
Vinyl signs and labels on everything. Everyone and their mother has a damn Cricut and those stupid vinyl cutouts are on everything at my school. Am teacher. It looks super trashy!
Image source: mustardowl6, Max Vakhtbovych
Vessel sinks, they’re an impractical use of space and always make me feel like I’m at a restaurant that probably still serves molten lava cake.
Image source: anon, Saru Robert
Ugly modern urban apartment exterior where everything is multiple colors/boxes/textures and the inside looks sad and basic.
I realize not everyone loves more period feeling houses, but god, at least Victorians and the like were INTERESTING. The current housing trend is like vanilla ice cream… no attitude, no flavor, and it looks like every other house out there.
And that’s insulting to vanilla ice cream, frankly.
Image source: Fragrant-Chipmunk692
Anything manufactured to look like it was worn out, damaged, and re-purposed creatively.
Image source: blacksystembbq
Those accent walls with the abstract diagonal lines. Will age like popcorn ceilings and wood paneling on walls
Got wisdom to pour?
i had to stop reading by post three. THOSE OUTDATED THINGS!