20 Times People Shared Amazing Facts That Are Hard To Believe
Everyone loves learning an interesting new fact now and again – there’s just something about these small snippets of trivia that never cease to amaze us. And the best thing is, no matter how many of these ‘quick facts’ you know, there’s always more of them out there that you probably never even heard about.
A little while ago, Reddit user ‘u/da-genius-kid’ asked other users of r/AskReddit to share some interesting facts– and they did! The post received over 3,5k replies and is an absolute goldmine of trivia that you can use to impress your friends. Check out some interesting facts that you might have never heard before in the gallery below!
More info: Reddit
Image source: AllDogsGoToReddit
“Male reindeer lose their antlers in the winter but females don’t. Therefore Santa’s sleigh is pulled by a team of strong independent ladies.”
Image source: FutrzakKowalski
“If our Sun was the size of a white blood cell, our galaxy would be the size of the continental United States.”
Image source: disturbing_silence
“A sword made from the blood of your enemies is technically possible. If you separate the iron out of the blood of 300 adults, you could smelt it down to an iron ingot. This ingot would be enough to be used to create a longsword.”
Image source: DavosLostFingers
“The microgravity in space can cause an astronauts blood to run backwards.”
Image source: LollyHutzenklutz
“Natural redheads (of which I am one) have a genetic resistance to anesthesia + unusually high tolerance for pain. I guess the latter is to compensate for the former?
Anyway, that’s why I always had a terrible fear of the dentist; they’d give me the normal dose of novocaine, then think I was lying when I said it didn’t work. Fun times! Knew I finally found the right dentist when he walked in, took one look at me, and told the tech to load up four times the novocaine – what he called the “redhead dose.” And I’ve never had to feel that pain again.”
Image source: Timmyb1985
“Juno, who was sent to Jupiter by NASA, was Jupiter’s wife in Roman mythology. Jupiter’s moons are named after Jupiter’s mistresses. So NASA sent Jupiter’s wife to ‘spy’ on him and his mistresses. Always thought this was pretty cool.”
Image source: DeggleMo
“Lemons aren’t naturally occuring, they were created through the breeding of bitter oranges and citrons. So we made lemons, then made lemonade. Screw you life.”
Image source: mazebean5
“Most people know that dogs have a really good sense of smell, but I recently did some research into the full extent of it. 40% of the brain goes entirely to their sense of smell. They have a completely different organ that is designed purely to take in the smell, separately from the oxygen they breathe (unlike humans, we process it together).
To put this into perspective, we can taste a teaspoon of sugar in our coffee. They could smell a teaspoon of sugar inside two olympic sized swimming pools. A cancer alert dog kept marking to one mole on a woman’s arm. They had already tested it and it was negative. They decided to retest due to the dog’s behavior, and found an incredibly small fraction of a cancer cell in the spot.”
Image source: KingdaToro
“The Sun is extremely loud, we just can’t hear it because sound can’t travel through the vacuum of space.”
Image source: Winter-Rip7364
“Cats don’t meow to talk to other cats they use different language for that They meow to talk to us.”
“People who are born deaf and develop schizophrenia see random hands signing to them.”
Image source: TMNTWEBB
“Diamonds aren’t valuable nor are they rare. De Beers (An international corporation that specialises in everything diamond) created a advertising campaign saying that a man should be spending a two month salary on a diamond engagement ring. They then raised price’s, restricted supply and created this costly illusion that generations of people still consider it to be a mandatory part in marriage process.”
Image source: liam_of_the_south
Image source: atomicskier76
“People live closer in time to T Rex than T rex lived to stegosaurus.”
Image source: HalfEyeLizard
“Woodpeckers tongues wrap around their skulls to prevent them getting concussions.”
“Fathers can breastfeed..no meds or other intervention needed…in times of stress, mostly after the death of the mother in childbirth. Father’s have attempted to breastfeed and, boom. Start producing viable milk. It’s has been documented a non trivial amount of times..”
Image source: Hondahobbit50
Image source: johnnyloveswag
“The lighter was invented before the match.”
Image source: i_like_atla
“For 1 600 billionth of a second when a hydrogen bomb detonates, it is 100 million degrees Celsius, the core of the sun is 15 million degrees Celsius.”
Image source: jettatom
“Since its discovery in 1930 Pluto has yet to orbit the sun and won’t until 2178.”
Image source: MansonGirl15
“In the 70s, in the USA, it was believed that infants didn’t feel pain. My first operation was in 74, when I was a day old, to shove a sac full of exposed nerves back into my spine (spina bifida myelomeningocele).”
Image source: Pissedbuddha1
“In the time it takes you to read this sentence, you’ve traveled approximately 2,200 miles through space relative to the cosmic background radiation.”
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