20 Interesting Facts About People And The World Shared By This TikTok User
If you thought that TikTok is exclusively reserved for ridiculous dances and cringy acting, you couldn’t be more wrong – and today we have something that will change your mind. In his series titled Knowledge in 60 seconds, TikTok user Casey Rosenberg is proving that learning new things can be both quick and fun, and has so far amassed a following of over 2 million people on the platform.
In his TikToks, Casey shares all sorts of interesting facts about our world, and you’ll be surprised by how much you can learn in as little as a minute. Check out some of his a amazing content in the gallery below, and if you want more quick facts, see our previous posts here and here!
#1 10 Amazing Cat Facts
Image source: caseyrosenberg
• Cats spend 70 percent of their lives sleeping.
• A cat named Stubbs was a mayor in Alaska for 20 years.
• Isaac Newton invented the cat door.
• The oldest cat lived to be 38.
• Cats can make over 100 vocalizations.
• Cats with more than 18 toes are called polydactyl.
• If a cat lays on their back, it means they trust you.
• Cats are most active at dawn and dusk.
• Cats sweat through their paws.
• Cats are 95.6 percent tiger.
#2 The Most Popular Dreams, According To Psychologists
Image source: caseyrosenberg
10. Being late
9. Moving is slow motion
8. Being lost
7. Having you teeth to fall out
6. Mortality
5. Flying
4. Being unprepared for a test
3. Being back in school
2. Being chased
1. Falling
#3 How To Pick A Perfect Watermelon Every Time
Image source: caseyrosenberg
Produce experts say there are 3 key things to look for when picking a watermelon:
1. Go for the gold. The spot on the watermelon is called the ‘field spot.’ The richer in gold color, the better.
2. Look at the stripes. The tripes should be even and contrast sharply.
3. Look at the shape. The more round the watermelon, the sweeter it will be.
#4 10 Amazing Dog Facts
Image source: caseyrosenberg
• A dog’s sense of smell is 40 times better than a human’s.
• 45 percent of dogs sleep in their owner’s bed.
• All puppies are born deaf.
• A dog’s nose print is as unique as a human’s fingerprint.
• A Greyhound can beat a cheetah in a long distance race.
• The Saluki is the oldest dog breed.
• The Labrador Retriever is the most popular dog breed.
• Dogs get jealous when they see you playing with other pets.
• A Golden Retriever was a mayor in California.
• Newfoundland dogs have webbed paws.
#5 How To Get Rid Of Any Stain
Image source: caseyrosenberg
• Coffee stain? Use vinegar and warm water.
• Sweat? Use lemon juice.
• Wine? Use baking soda.
• Makeup? Use shaving cream.
• Ink? Use white toothpaste.
• And blood? Use vinegar and warm water.
#6 The Safest And Most Dangerous States: 2021 Edition
Image source: caseyrosenberg
Starting with safest:
5. North Dakota
4. Connecticut
3. Iowa
2. Vermont
1. Based on violent crime, the safest is Maine.
For the most dangerous:
5. California
4. Tennessee
3. Nevada
2. Arkansas
1. The most dangerous state based on violent crime is Alaska.
#7 Why We Get Déjà Vu?
Image source: caseyrosenberg
Déjà vu has been described as a ‘glitch in the matrix.’ It’s the feeling that you’ve done something or seen something before. But is this proof that we’re living in a simulation? Scientists say, not so fast and believe it has to do with memory.
One leading theory is called ‘split perception’: your brain accidentally perceives an event twice, making it feel like you’ve been there before. Another theory is that your brain gets confused and tries to recall memories when processing the present.
Regardless, déjà vu is always strange.
#8 3 Pet Facts
Image source: caseyrosenberg
1. Your cat talks to you. It’s been found that adult cats only meow at humans.
2. Your dog is smart. The average dog can understand 250 words and gestures.
3. Your bird loves to dance. Scientists have found that birds love listening to classical music.
#9 How Rare Is Your Tongue?
Image source: caseyrosenberg
• Only 67 percent of people can roll their ‘r’s.
• 60 percent of people can curl their tongues.
• Just 25 percent of people can fold their tongues.
• 14 percent of people can make a cloverleaf.
• Only 8 percent of people can touch their nose.
#10 How To Always Stop Brain Freeze
Image source: caseyrosenberg
Brain freezes are headaches that are caused by eating or drinking something too cold. The ‘freeze’ is from your body trying to maintain its core temperature. Researchers have found 2 hacks that stop brain freeze:
1. Try pressing your tongue or thumb to the roof of your mouth.
2. Try a sip of warm water.
#11 People’s Weirdest Fears
Image source: caseyrosenberg
• Lachanophobia is the fear of vegetables.
• Pedophobia is the fear of children.
• Podophobia is the fear of feet.
• Lutraphobia is the fear of otters.
• Turophobia is the fear of cheese.
• Nomophobia is the fear of being without your phone.
#12 5 Affordable Countries To Visit: Asia Edition
Image source: caseyrosenberg
5. Thailand ($50-60 per day)
4. Indonesia ($40-50 per day)
3. Philippines ($35-50 per day)
2. Malaysia ($25-50 per day)
1. Vietnam ($25-35 per day)
#13 Things You Should Know Before Getting A Tattoo
Image source: caseyrosenberg
Almost 40 percent of American adults have at least one tattoo. But more tattoos mean a greater chance of infection. Tattoos become infected when they become contaminated and contamination can lead to amputation. The 2 main reasons for contamination are when the artist doesn’t wash their hands and wear gloves, and also the needles are not sterilized. This is why it’s so important to always get your tattoos done by a professional.
#14 Top 10 Pet Names Of 2021
Image source: caseyrosenberg
10. Cooper
9. Chloe
8. Stella
7. Daisy
6. Lily
5. Buddy
4. Max
3. Charlie
2. Luna
1. Bella
#15 The Best And Worst Zodiac Signs Based On Driving
Image source: caseyrosenberg
According to insurance rates, the best drivers are:
1. Aries
2. Capricorn
3. Taurus
4. Cancer
5. Sagittarius
6. Libra
7. Scorpio
8. Gemini
9. Virgo
10. Pisces
11. Aquarius
12. Leo
#16 The 10 Easiest Languages To Learn
Image source: caseyrosenberg
10. Romanian
9. Swedish
8. Afrikaans
7. German
6. Norwegian
5. Dutch
4. Portuguese
3. French
2. Italian
1. Spanish
#17 How Rare Is Your Birthday?
Image source: caseyrosenberg
• The most common birth months are July, August, September.
• The rarest are January, February and March.
• The most common dates are September 9th, 10th, 12th, 17th and 19th.
• The rarest birthdays are January 1st, July 4th, November 25th, December 25th, and February 29th.
#18 The 5 Most Expensive Dog Breeds
Image source: caseyrosenberg
5. Azawakh ($9,500)
4. Tibetan Mastiff ($10,000)
3. Chow Chow ($11,000)
2. Löwchen ($12,000)
1. Samoyed ($14,000)
#19 How Rare Is Your Eye Color: 2021 Edition
Image source: caseyrosenberg
• 74 percent of people have brown eyes.
• 10 percent of people have blue eyes.
• 5 percent of people have hazel eyes.
• 5 percent of people have amber eyes.
• 3 percent of people have grey eyes.
• 2 percent of people have green eyes.
• 1 percent of people have two different-colored eyes.
#20 What Is Your Foot Shape?
Image source: caseyrosenberg
• If your second toe is longer that your big toe, you have what’s called a Greek foot shape.
• Do your toes decrease in size equally? You have an Egyptian foot shape.
• If your first 3 toes are equal in length, you have a Roman foot shape.
• If you have a large big toe and the rest of your toes are equal, you have a German foot shape.
• If your first 2 toes are equal in length, you have a Celtic foot shape.
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