25 Pics That Perfectly Illustrate The 70s Era, As Shared On This Online Group
The 1970s, often referred to as the “Me Decade,” was a vibrant era marked by cultural shifts, iconic fashion, and a distinctive aesthetic. A Reddit group named “The 70s are Back!” has become a virtual time machine, transporting members to the groovy days of bell-bottoms, disco balls, and cultural revolution.
In this article, we’ll take a visual journey through some captivating images shared on this Reddit group, each capturing the essence of the unforgettable 70s era.
#1 Smallpox Vaccination Scar ! Who Has One?
Image source: Planet2527
Robin DJW : “I had two, the second because of travel to another continent.”
Kat-Renee Kittel : “I could still see my small pox vaccine scar until a few years ago. I remember that the mechanism used looked like something from outer space to me as a kid like some kind of future device in Star Trek”
#2 Barefoot Gas Pedal, Hurst Shifter, And Boston
Image source: Adventure_tom
Geoffrey Scott : “And half way through a song…kachunck, next track”
#3 Pizza Day Was The Best Day Of The Week In Elementary School In The 70s
Image source: Quick_Presentation11
Daniel Yamada : “Every Friday in elementary school.”
Ozymandias73 : “IDK what it was about this pizza, but it was the best!”
#4 Spencer Gifts ! My Friends And I Would Head Straight To The Poster Rack
Image source: Planet2527
Geoffrey Scott : “We would check out the more “suggestive” gifts”
#5 Members Of A Cult Or A Flower Selling Cartel?
Image source: Gee-Oh1
Chucky Cheezburger : “Wonder how many car accidents happened that day…”
Sue : “Yeah, don’t let any Boomers tell you how we had to worry about a dress code, at least if you were at that sweet spot between old fogies & new fogies starting the the late 70s – early 80’s. Plenty of girls went without bras with tube tops & halter tops. I was “blessed” so I couldn’t do braless. Hated it!”
Jodi : “Love her outfit 😍”
#6 Anybody Remember These Guys?
Image source: mwuttke86
Will Cable : “Many would have died due to parachute failure!”
#7 What Were You Chewing Back In The Day?
Image source: mistermeek67
Kat-Renee Kittel : “Fruit Stripe Gum!! Does anybody remember how to create chains from the chewing gum wrappers? My older brother had a friend who actually used the gum wrapper chains for curtain dividers and he showed me how to make the chains.”
#8 So I Have An Awesome 70s Smoking Room. Tell Me What U Think
Image source: hotpinkoffspring
Hawkmoon : “Farrah Fawcett… I think this picture must have been the best-selling poster in the world at the time. It was everywhere.”
#9 If You Didn’t Take Him Up On The Roof, You Didn’t Truly “Live” The 70s
Image source: The_Patriot
Zaphod : “You had to try and maake him jump the Snake River Canyon!”
#10 If You Know, You Know. This Guy Was Sort Of Like The Steve Irwin Of The ’70s
Image source: Medical-One9202
ॐBoyGanesh : “Marlin Perkins in Mutual of Omaha’s Wild Kingdon.”
Justin Jones : “While I sit safely behind my desk in the studio, Jim is going to jump out from behind a tree, surprising the male rhino, and give it a prostate exam without anesthesia….”
Aspiring Canuck : “In addition to being a good show, they had great opening theme music.”
#11 Early ‘70s / Early 70’s, Cheers
Image source: headsr_llo
Kaedyn Walsh : “I love this. Seriously, I’m so in love with love. Look at them. They both found their Person. <3”
Amy Quinn : “I don’t go for blonds normally but that chap is very handsome!”
SuperChicken : “Even in their 70’s, they still look fantastic! Not to mention, how I love her nail polish. Wishing a very happy, long, loving and healthy life for this couple.”
#12 Who Else Loved Underdog And His Villains?
Image source: Seen2much4now
Kat-Renee Kittel : “Oh where oh where can my Underdog be oh where oh where can he be…”
CrunChewy McSandybutt : “Rudy Juliani was an Underdog villain?”
SuperChicken : “When criminals in this world appear. And break the laws that they should fear…”
#13 I Think These Were Created To Give 70’s Children Nightmares
Image source: touristspleasegoaway
Kalon Suszko : “Sleestacks from Land Of The Lost”
Ozymandias73 : “Ya know they are actually living in the sewers in some cities and just waiting to take over the surface world. /jk”
#14 I Can Smell This Picture- When We Got Bored With Our Cap Guns We Started Bashing The Whole Rolls With A Hammer! Fun Times In The 1970s!
Image source: Quick_Presentation11
James016 : “Had these in the 90s.”
#15 My Dream Car And Bike When I Was 10
Image source: Kidz4Carz
Chucky Cheezburger : “Keep the bike, I want that Boss 302!!”
the two youtz : “Look at that high riser banana seat. Sweet!”
#16 Me And My Little Brother. Halloween – 1973
Image source: dukesinatra
Zaphod : “Everyone wore these flammable plastic suits with cheap masks. You’d go to every house and fill your pillow case with candy on Halloween”
David Beaulieu : “Best part was how they put the face of the character on the smock as well.”
#17 Silly Putty ! Remember Copying The Funny Pages From The News Paper?
Image source: Planet2527
Ruth : “Sundays were best because the comics were in color!”
Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My! : “When learning to draw in prison, I ordered a kneaded eraser, as my book suggested. I was surprised to see that it was Silly Putty without the egg.”
Id row : “We weren’t allowed to have that after some got mashed into the rug.”
#18 Lincoln Logs Arrived At The Thrift Store Today. Imagine How Long They’ve Been In Someone’s Closet
Image source: The_Patriot
Captain Kyra : “If those have no plastic pieces, they’re the originals.”
Suck it Trebek : “My dad was a cabinet maker and one year for Christmas he made my brother a huge set that had logs up to two feet in length. We could build huge things with that set. It was so cool.”
#19 Long John Silver’s In The Late 1970s Was Something Special
Image source: Quick_Presentation11
Geoffrey Scott : “Here’s one…Arthur Treacher’s fish and chips.”
#20 Ahhh Always Best In The Tin
Image source: emsym
Kat-Renee Kittel : “ Knife worked too 💕”
Zaphod : “It was always hard to dissolve in cold milk”
#21 I Now Realize Everyone Was Drunk On This Show
Image source: Giveitallyougot714
Kat-Renee Kittel : “😂😂😂 The host Gene Rayburn was also on To Tell The Truth.”
Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My! : “I love Match Game. Watching it as an adult, I realized the reason they were always having so much fun. I also understood about Charles Nelson Reilly, which had completely bypassed me as an extremely sheltered child.”
Robert T : “That looks like a US version of the UK gameshow Blankety Blank, which has recently been resuscitated!”
#22 You Are From The 70’s. If You Remember The Soda Machines With The Cup And Crushed Ice Dispenser
Image source: Planet2527
Ozymandias73 : “That was that “good” ice!”
Dorothy Reiser : “What a novelty crushed ice was! Magic.”
#23 I’m Feeling Really Dizzy And My Cheeks Hurt Real Bad
Image source: reddit.com
kissmychakram : “I remember that if you inadvertently got any of this on wooden furniture it would remove any varnish it made contact with.”
Kaedyn Walsh : “Oh gosh, I too can taste this and feel the feeling. Those were so fun though! I forgot all about them. It’s crazy how easy it is to forget to remember”
#24 Moon Boots. If You Lived In A Cold Climate, You Wore Them
Image source: mistermeek67
Mad Dragon : “With bread bags over your feet so your socks did not end up soaking wet if the snow was slushy.”
Ozymandias73 : “Don’t forget to put bread bags over your feet before putting these on!”
#25 Remember When Dairy Queen Was A Takeout Stand? (1970s-80s)
Image source: Quick_Presentation11
James Edwards : “I remember one window for hot stuff and one window for cold stuff.”
Kraneia The Dancing Dryad : “When I was little we’d stop after church and get a dipped cone. One day I started crying because mine was lopsided and “ugly” ( I was 4, ok?!). After that, we called them uglies. I miss going to get an “ugly” with my folks :( 🍦”
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