Woman Sick Of How Fake Everything On Instagram Is Reveals The Truth In The Funniest Way
Social media has a very important part in today’s society as it lets you see stories, people and beautiful images from all around the world. Unfortunately, there is also a darker side of the Internet – people tend to share only the perfect side of their lives that usually isn’t even true. One Instagrammer Chessie King got tired of these unrealistic expectations that make people feel bad about themselves. So, she decided to show the true, unfiltered side of her life and compare it to perfect and edited photos. This way King shows that anyone can lie on social media, but not everyone can be brave enough to present their true selves online.
King’s Instagram feed consists of unflattering positions and angles, juxtaposing this with the typical ‘fake’ poses that models use to make their stomachs appear flatter, and their figures more curved. “THIS IS ME. THIS IS MY BODY. No flattering angles, no flattering lighting, just me and my body feeling on top of the world,” she wrote on one post. “A few years ago I would never have posted this, all I cared about back then was being the leanest I could, going to the gym as many times as I could a week and counting every calorie I ate.”
Chessie’s feed proves that most of us are hung up on the idea of perfection which is impossible to achieve this way making our lives miserable. “Even at my smallest, when I was training the most & eating the least, I just wanted to cover up my body because it wasn’t my idea of ‘perfect.’ Now my priority is to be happy and comfortable in my own skin, and today I appreciate my body and what it does for me. We were not made to be Barbie dolls who LOOK insanely good 24/7, we were made to be HUMAN and we should all be allowed to FEEL insanely good 24/7. Come at me keyboard warriors, you can say what you want but nothing will knock me down.”
Got wisdom to pour?
How can someone with such a gorgeous personality recieve online hate:(
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