Girl Compares Instagram Vs. Reality In 20 Pics
The lighting, the angle, the filter – everything needs to be just right before you can upload your picture to Instagram. A lot of effort goes into looking perfect in your social media pics – just ask Kim Britt, a girl from Switzerland who decided to show the internet what lies behind those perfect pictures.
Kim wants to show the reality behind the pretty facade. From tucking in your belly to getting messy while eating, there are so many things that get left out of the shot – and this girl wants to show everyone that it’s completely normal. Check out her funny Instagram vs. reality comparison pictures in the gallery below!
Image source: the_truth_is_not_pretty
“Everybody has tummy fat, it is normal and nothing to be ashamed of. Somehow society has put the idea of beauty in our mind that you just look beautiful if you have a flat tummy. Bullshit! Just because everybody hides their tummy on photos, doesn’t mean they don’t have tummy fat, so don’t be insecure about it. Don’t put so much pressure to yourself to look a certain way. You are amazing just the way you are.
By the way, I edited just my hair and face on the left picture NOT MY BODY! This is how the right pose and sucking the tummy in can make a huge difference!”
Image source: the_truth_is_not_pretty
“Sorry to disappoint you but in reality winter in Switzerland looks way more like the right picture… The snow stays just for one or two days if you not live up in the mountains and then all you get is snow mud and freezing wind.”
Image source: the_truth_is_not_pretty
“The struggles of being a woman, but it is so worth it to be one and I’m proud I am and you should be too.”
Image source: the_truth_is_not_pretty
“Some people are worth melting for, but in reality the melting snow in my hair and face isn’t that romantic. My man loves to tease me. Couldn’t be mad though! One of my favorite pictures from this year. Can you relate to it?”
Image source: the_truth_is_not_pretty
“Eat good feel good. In my case, eating good also includes good pasta. I’m so tired of being told what I should eat and what I shouldn’t. If my body tells me to eat carbs, then I do, if I wanna eat a salad then I do. As long as you feel good and your health is not harm, you don’t need to restrict any food.”
Image source: the_truth_is_not_pretty
“Instagram: What I tell people how I spent Christmas holidays: staying cozy and cuddling.
Reality: How I really felt: Totally exhausted from all that Christmas food. Who feels buddy?”
Image source: the_truth_is_not_pretty
“They see us rollin’… and they laughin’. If Buddy sees dad, he runs without thinking what happens with me then.”
Image source: the_truth_is_not_pretty
“What should I say, a salad spinner can be used for many things. You just need to be creative!”
Image source: the_truth_is_not_pretty
“We all come in different shapes in sizes and that’s good! It’s so easy to pretend to have a “better” body on a picture. If we are relaxed and not posing, the body looks different. That is okay, everybody has this. Don’t get brainwashed by all those edited and posed pictures.
The truth is, we might all have parts on us, that we think are not perfect, but guess what, that’s something good. We don’t need to look “perfect” (by the way, what should perfect look like anyway?). How boring would it be if we would all look the same?
Take care to your body, don’t do crash diets and restrict all “bad” food just to look a certain way you see on pictures, which don’t always show the truth. Enjoy all types of food in a healthy amount. Listen to your body and let go negatives thoughts about it.”
Image source: the_truth_is_not_pretty
“My fiance knows how to do a good photobomb. A good example how frame matters. Also need to admit that this is a headset and not even a headphone.”
Image source: the_truth_is_not_pretty
“Who looks like that when you sick? When I’m sick, I look like a zombie and don’t have the energy to make a cute picture for my profile. Let’s be real and face the fact that when you sick, you don’t look good and that’s totally normal and okay.”
Image source: the_truth_is_not_pretty
“Be as bold as your lipstick… But you better make sure you don’t have any on your teeth.”
Image source: the_truth_is_not_pretty
“Little reminder that 90% of the photos you see on social media or magazines are photoshoped or with face tune optimized. Don’t compare yourself to photos there. You never know if it was edited or how long it took to take a good picture. Enjoy your weekend! Letting negative thoughts go and focus on the positive ones. You are worthy anyway!”
Image source: the_truth_is_not_pretty
“It’s been about 6 years since I last trained on the pole. Honestly, I was super proud I was still able to do this trick. Needless to say that the way up didn’t look as good as the end pose.”
Image source: the_truth_is_not_pretty
“Wet hair don’t care! Since I was a child, I wash my hair like on the right picture. I know it looks super funny, but I’m sure if you have a bathtub at home, you washed your hair at least once like that. Am I right?”
Image source: the_truth_is_not_pretty
“Stay cozy. During the cold holidays staying cozy and chill is a must if you ask me. The thing is just, it looks a lot different on Instagram that reality really is. Who can relate to this?”
Image source: the_truth_is_not_pretty
“I don’t know about you, but I enjoy the chocolate today by eating it and not posing with it for a cute photo.”
Image source: the_truth_is_not_pretty
“Today’s Happy Meal. I guess the picture speaks for itself. Enjoy your meal!”
Image source: the_truth_is_not_pretty
“Wear some flowers in your hair. Reality: They don’t tell you how difficult it is to take the flowers out of your hair.”
Image source: the_truth_is_not_pretty
“This bathtub picture is one of my favorite ones from this first year. It’s great to see that some people like the message behind my account and I can make you laugh or think about some subjects.”
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