Everyday Lives Of Villagers In Indonesia Captured In Heartwarming Photos
Self-taught landscape and portrait photographer Herman Damar, based in Jakarta, captures everyday life in villages throughout Indonesia. Many of his lively photographs focus on children‘s daily adventures and their close connection with nature. Damar‘s photos are filled with warmth, sincerity and wise optimism, tempting us to go visit Indonesia’s alluring 13,466 islands some day to see the beauty of its nature and its people with our own eyes.
Got wisdom to pour?
Absolutely amazing!
absolutely fake
i live in indonesia
i live in village
and i know that all this doesnt happen everyday naturally
this shots are all set up
and in a so yesteryear art taste
fantastic photos!!!
Absolutely beautifull pictures. Really brings me back to the some great memories.
I haven’s seen so much beauty in pictures in a while! These photos are absolutely stunning. Love seeing kids playing around outside in nature. That is how it should be!
wow these are great ♥
Beautifully captured.
Очень интересно!!!!
Heart warming pictures :-)
Nice to see there are still parts of the world in which families are a little more closely connected to nature and also nice to see happy children without technology around them.
Those pictures are beautiful