42 Undeniably “Important Animal Images” That You Have To See
Animals are a joy to watch and to spend time with because of their loving and adorable natures. Indeed, if you want to brighten your mood just watch a couple of animal clips and you’ll instantly start to feel a lot better, as the little critters’ enthusiasm for life is usually pretty infectious.
In fact, one Facebook page called Important Animal Images was created by Gaurav from India to share these entertaining pictures of happy-go-lucky animals. He confirmed that he actively checks out animal groups spanning ‘South America to Mexico and all the way to East Asian regions’ to find the content he shares on his page, much to the gratification of his followers.
More info: Facebook | twitter.com
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DennyS (denzoren): That printer needs ink.
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DennyS (denzoren): “I’d like this well done Linda, with a bit of spice”
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BarkingSquirell: Greg, must we always dress thus when it rains?
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nomnomborkbork: Such a smol kitteh, all grown up
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DennyS (denzoren): Is he/she here to talk about their lord and savior? Cause I’m listening.
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nomnomborkbork : a pile of pleased pink piglets
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nomnomborkbork: Salvador in his other studio
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Lisa Lisa: sure hope that’s water and not gasoline!
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Natty Tempest: Aww… He took his human to the beach.
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memeju1ce: he’s going to hungary
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DennyS (denzoren) : “and I said, sure Susan you can take the matching vases but I’m not giving you the coffee table…”
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nomnomborkbork: I’m beautiful no matter what the mirror says!
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memeju1ce: he wants in on the action
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DennyS (denzoren): A pupper pack.
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H G: Peace was never an option
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nomnomborkbork: The best kind of party!
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Auntriarch: How nice of the soft can opener to hold the ear scritching device at just the right height
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nomnomborkbork: I fits so I sits, but it’s not very comfortable.
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DennyS (denzoren) : That’s a 2L I’m assuming lol
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