40 Comics That Show What Animals Would Say If They Could Talk
Do you ever look at your pet and wish you knew what they are thinking, especially when they’re doing something weird like barking at the wall or sitting still and staring at the corner? Well, the truth is that until someone comes up with a revolutionary dog-to-human translator, we may never know. This fact, however, doesn’t seem to stop one artist from interpreting animal speech in funny comics.
Jimmy Craig is a comic artist who started They Can Talk, a comic series where he imagines what animals would say if they could talk, back in 2015. Since then, the artist has created numerous hilarious comics and never ceases to surprise us with his creativity. Check out some of his comics in the gallery below!
More info: They Can Talk | Facebook | Instagram
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
In an interview with Bored Panda, the artist said he has recently got two cats, which explains why he’s been writing more cat comics lately. “When they’re being total psychopaths, the silver lining is that I’ll get a comic idea out of it,” jokes Jimmy.
The artist says that one of the biggest challenges when creating his comics is giving animals recognizable expressions without making them look too human. “I still try to keep the comic somewhat grounded in reality,” added the artist.
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
“I like to think that animals have similar thoughts as us, so whether I’m thinking about what animals might be saying to each other or imposing my own thoughts on them, there’s some truth in both,” said Jimmy.
See more talking animal comics in the gallery below, and don’t forget to check out our previous posts here and here!
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
Image source: Jimmy Craig
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