Polish Photographer Documents The Computerless Summers Of Her Kids
Is there the a pictorial record of your childhood games? Izabela Urbaniak is doing just that for her sons and their cousins as they play the summer away in the village. It is a month without “a computer, internet, or Playstation”. The kids play in the lake, run with dogs and get to all sorts of shenanigans.
Izabela Urbaniak is a Polish photographer and a mother of two sons. She has been doing this photo series dubbed “Summertime” since 2012. Urbaniak records the adventures of her two sons and their three cousins inspired by her own childhood stays at her grandmother’s. “I am very glad that for a while I can feel like in my childhood,” she wrote on Bored Panda. “I watch them, often participate in games or even invent them. There, I’m happy…”
More info: izabelaurbaniak,pl | facebook | instagram (h/t: boredpanda)
Got wisdom to pour?
Incredible photography. Sitting a moment listening to some bluegrass and your photos came up, what a highlight in my day – you are very talented and deserving for your ideas on being unplugged with kids this summer.