Photographer Documents His Children Enjoying Idyllic Country Summer
Adults don’t get to have idyllic fun, we’re too cynical and tired for that. But Emerson and Greyson, being two and one respectively, are not barred from fun. Their father Adrian C. Murray photographed their adventures as they visited their grandparents in various states of the US and explored nature. Murray swears that there’s no heavy Photoshop, since he wanted to show real childhood, not fake it.
Adrian C. Murray, who describes himself as “a student of life as well as light”, is a photographer who residesin Kentucky. He took up photography to document his family life. “While we visited these places, as well as at home, we always go to explore different areas together,” Murray wrote on Bored Panda. “Years from now they may not remember these days so early on in their childhood, which is partly the reason we wanted to document all of these moments.”
More info: adriancmurray.com | facebook | 500px | instagram | twitter (h/t: boredpanda)
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