This Fallen Angel In France Is Too Realistic To Be A Sculpture

Published 10 years ago

Fallen angels are usually known as devils. But this one by Sun Yuan and Peng Yu is a lot different. Made from fiber-reinforced polymer and silica gel, this angel takes the form of an old woman dressed in a white gown, and the wings on her back have been plucked clean. The angel is either asleep or dead. Its made manifest in the physical world, yet cannot help the believers nor carry out divine will.

Sun Yuan and Peng Yu is an artist duo from Beijing. They have had created installations using cadavers and fat tissue. However, not all of their project are metaphysical. Many exhibits have featured guns, like a blind group disassemble of AK rifles. The Angel is now displayed in Dominique and Sylvain Levy collection.

By the way, going by biblical sources, there are only two types of winged angels – Cherubim and Seraphim (Exodus 25:20, Ezekiel 10, Isaiah 6), and the former are particularly scary. Hebrews 1:14 mentions that angels are spiritual beings, so only some in their hierarchy have wings.

More info: (h/t: boredpanda)

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Martynas Klimas

Writes like a mad dervish, rolls to dodge responsibility, might have bitten the Moon once.

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angel art, angel sculpture, angel statue, angels, Cherubim, fallen angel, fallen seraphim, fallen sherubim, female angel, Hyper Realistic, hyper-realism, Hyperrealism, lifelike, Peng Yu, sculpture, Seraphim, statue, Sun Yuan