35 Funny Office Jokes And Work Memes That Might Make You Laugh
In the fast-paced world of social media, where laughter is often the best medicine, “Work Memes” Facebook page stands out as a beacon of comedic relief for the working masses.
With its witty and relatable content, the page has become a virtual water cooler where employees from various industries gather to share a chuckle or two about the everyday challenges of the workplace. Check out some of the funniest posts from the Work Memes Facebook page in the gallery below.
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Chihuahua Mama: “And it’s the opposite during days off”
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Black Cat: “Oh the irony.”
Amy: “Pretty sure these are now illegal. They really cracked down on the fashion industry in the UK, rightly so. Unfortunately didn’t stop everyone.”
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Crystal Kelley: “I aspire to be this ungiveadamning”
Did I say that out loud? (he/him)cis/het: “What are they going to do? Sack her?”
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Paul Scheermeijer: “Nothing stronger??”
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A. Starhawk Hunt: “Don’t I wish.”
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Rebelliousslug: “Love grandma, perfect response!”
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SCP 4666: “Who else wishes they could do that?😄”
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Image source: shutupshahbab
A. Starhawk Hunt: “Well, dunno about you,. They’re creepy… and that’s a job too, I guess?”
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Rosie Red: “So tell me, why do you want to work for us? Um…because I need a forking job! I don’t care where it is as long as I get paid.”
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Black Cat: “Thursday mornings.”
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Charlie the Cat: “They actually look like a really nice group of people.”
Sephora Black: “Joke’s on you guys. He dead!”
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Paul Scheermeijer: “Damn our emergency number is 112……… you lucky basted….(I know. Deliberate typo)”
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Crystal Kelley: “And a genius is among us.”
Carole G.: “The introvert in me whispers “brilliant.””
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Abel: “Lost in translation. Cat version.”
T J R: “My cat acts like a dog. We call him our Puppy Cat.”
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Nea: “When life gives you lemons…”
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Another Fool on the Hill: “Can’t appreciate this enough.”
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Marley Nachi: “lol, i’m sitting like the cat right now”
John Smith (he/him/xy/️): “The ergonomic position is also the most uncomfortable one…”
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Joran Quinten: “Noodle bun”
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Crystal Kelley: “I think I’m dying while falling asleep all the time!”
Tabitha K: “Yes!!!!! Omg, it’s not just me!”
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Jacky Newman: “Omg the tiny socks 😍”
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Bec: “Well, I am a ‘recovering’ alcoholic failed author who needs to leave the state I currently live in for undisclosed reasons. I think being stranded in an isolated hotel all winter will be great for my strained relationship with my wife and son.”
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Agfox: “That guy from the Twilight movies has really let himself go,,,”
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sbj: “But the funny thing about that person at my workplace is they take a lot of sick days obviously it must take a lot out of them.”
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OutspokenHBW: “I got me one of those who also doesn’t know how to do HIS job.”
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Jackson: “My employer would send a bus and a couple of snow plows to pick up essential personnel (nuclear generating station in an area that frequently got heavy snow and high winds).”
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Jacky Newman: “I need that book”
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tarryn norwich: “All of us Pandas right now lol.”
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Chihuahua Mama: “Just. Act. Natural”
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