How Would Our Meals Look Like If The Ice Age Would Suddenly Come?

Published 7 years ago

Being a food photographer I devote lots of my time this year making craziest food photo shoots for my personal food photography project ’52 times’. This autumn I spent over a month preparing and then photographing a special food photoshoot where we froze into the ice cubes not only separate food products or ingredients but the whole prepared dishes and even drinks! As if the Ice Age had come while you waited for friends with dinner ready on your kitchen table.

The whole process was long and complicated, but here they are – meals in the ice cubes. So this is how our meals would look for future generations.

This is one of the creative and not ordinary food photoshoots I made during this year for my personal project ’52 times’ ( the idea of which is to show various possibilities of food photography.

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Catfish salad in ice cube

Frozen duck breast dish

Green cocktail in the ice

Frozen dessert – chocolate cake

Got wisdom to pour?



#foodphotographer, food, photography