Woman Turns Herself Into A Top 100 Influencer By Analyzing The Features They All Have

Published 5 years ago

You probably remember Cassey Ho from some of our previous posts, but just in case you don’t, she’s a fitness blogger and pilates coach who isn’t afraid to openly talk about body positivity and society’s perception of beauty. In one of her most recent projects, Cassey analyzed the top 100 female Instagram influencers for two weeks and came up with 22 key appearance attributes that each of them had. She then used the information to turn herself into the “perfect” influencer – check out the process in the gallery below!

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Image credits: blogilates

“After a couple of weeks of gathering data and categorizing data, I can tell you that there is most definitely a formula and a very specific beauty standard that the Top 100 most followed women on Instagram adhere to,” says Cassey in one of her most recent videos. “It’s fascinating, but also incredibly eerie in a time when you would think social media has evend the playing field for women of all body types, sizes, ethnicities, and skin color.”

Image credits: blogilates

Image credits: blogilates

Image credits: blogilates

Stomach, lip size, eyes, and neck length were just some of the attributes Cassey looked into. She says she wanted to see how the beauty standards of today’s era have changed, if they have changed at all.

Image credits: blogilates

Image credits: blogilates

Image credits: blogilates

Image credits: blogilates

Image credits: blogilates

Image credits: blogilates

Image credits: blogilates

Image credits: blogilates

Image credits: blogilates

Image credits: blogilates

Image credits: blogilates

Cassey was surprised that being a blue-eyed blonde is no longer the ideal beauty standard. She also found it interesting that only 5 of the 100 Instagrammers were plus-size even with this being the most body-positive era.

After the research was done, it was time to put the knowledge to practice. Check out Cassey’s transformation below!

Step 1: clothes and accessories

Image credits: blogilates

Step 2: make up

Image credits: blogilates

Step 3: photoshop

Image credits: blogilates

Image credits: blogilates

Image credits: blogilates

Image credits: blogilates

Image credits: blogilates

Image credits: blogilates

See the full video of the whole process below!

Image credits: blogilates

Here’s what people had to say about Cassey’s project

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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cassey ho, instagram fakes, Instagram influencers, instagram vs. reality