Honest Wine Labels That Know Why You Are Buying Them
If your wineglass is talking back, you’ve probably had way too much and should see a doctor. These brutally honest wine bottles, however, are no hallucination. The bottles feature a variety of humorous labels that show the motivation behind drinking rather than brands or years. These bottles would understand you: whether you had a bad day or a worse relationship, they’re there to make bad memories into possible future bad decisions.
So don’t drink-and-drive-or-text.
The hilarious vine labels were made by Vinepair blog writer Jeff Licciardello and his buddy Adam Teeter. Unfortunately, wine labels won’t be sassing you out at the store any time soon: these are just funny edits.
Oh well, I won’t drink to that!
More info: vinepair.com (h/t: boredpanda)
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