30 People Who Proved That Working From Home Isn’t As Glamorous As The Internet Wants You Think
Ah, the joys of working from home: a hot cup of chocolate, your favorite blanket and your dog by your side. Or is it really like that? In a dream, maybe. Turns out that the reality of working from home isn’t as perfect as it may seem in photos you see on Pinterest or Instagram.
After Twitter user Jules Forrest shared a photo of what working from home really looks like, others started posting pictures of their own improvised workstations. And some of them just scream “back pain”. Cozy nook by your living room window with a park view? Think more like cramped makeshift desk inside your kid’s closet or an improvised standing workstation made from an ironing board.
Check out the reality of working from home in the gallery below!
More info: Twitter
Image credits: julesforrest
Image source: lifeincapitals
Well, you can always iron the clothes while you’re at it.
Image source: BuckeyeEmpire
Ah, yes, for disinfection. Of course.
Image source: SofiAmeli
Too warm, uncomfortable and sometimes farts. 11/10.
Image source: jimmy0x52
Image source: twiztwit
Work out while you work – what’s not to love?
Image source: FeeleyMeghan
Well, Meghan, looks like work will have to wait.
Image source: PussycatNaughty
Image source: cornett
Not the worst idea, to be honest. Just don’t forget to turn of your engine unless you love that sweet smell of exhaust fumes.
Image source: tempestdevyne
Image source: joshmateo
Don’t forget to recycle the laptop when you’re done!
Image source: LaLorenz
Image source: cmaferrell
It’s starting to look a little bit like a Jenga tower.
Image source: nathanhood
Image source: miamiamarie
Image source: _mathieson_
Image source: MelnysNewkirk
Image source: sabrina_monarch
Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.
Image source: jessicaroberts
Looks like your coworker is giving you the stink eye.
Image source: jibbered
You need an engineering degree just to understand what you’re looking at.
Image source: BNNERMAN
Where are you working from, a distillery?
Image source: kikasuzie
Image source: bcoolnofear
Image source: poonamjayant
Image source: rhiannonrickard
Honestly, everyone’s desk looked like that back in college.
Image source: kateyyan
Image source: BAE_leee
It’s all fun and games until someone turns on the drier.
Image source: skuwamoto
Image source: iambradcahoon
Image source: MariBMagdalene
Just wait until mom makes you remove everything so she can serve dinner.
Image source: karolinemys
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