Shocking Images Of People Living In Extremely Tiny Spaces In Japan Will Make You Appreciate Your Room
Capsule hotels are all the rage in Japan. However, Won Kim captured something much more striking in his series “Enclosed : Living Small”. What could be described as a guesthouse for backpackers, it takes up one floor of a Tokyo office building. Inside – rows and rows of plywood cubicles. They are similar to capsules, if somewhat larger, but there’s still no place to stand up, no windows, and a curtain instead of a door.
The rooms are Spartan, but it seems that their visitors stay there for a long time. The individuality of the inhabitants shines. Some are more tidy in their domiciles, maybe staying for a shorter time. Others have improvised cloth hangers and shelves for books. Some ever decorate the place with personal items.
Still bigger than any capsule that I ever slept in Japan!
More info: wonkimphotography.com (h/t: mymodernmet)
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