Artist Shames Tourists Taking Inappropriate Selfies At The Holocaust Memorial Site In Berlin (NSFW)
Israeli artist Shahak Shapira has seen enough of these disrespectful selfies taken in the absolute worst places for them. So he launched an art project called “Yolocaust” in hopes to shame the selfie-takers from the Holocaust Memorial in Berlin.
“Over the last years, I noticed an interesting phenomenon at the Holocaust memorial in Berlin: people were using it as a scenery for selfies. So I took those selfies and combined them with footage from Nazi extermination camps,” Shapira wrote. He gathered the selfies from the social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, Tinder, and Grindr, and then combined them with the hard-to-watch real footage from concentration camps. The artist was shocked by just how distanced from the actual meaning of the monument its visitors were, which is illustrated with the comments, hashtags and “likes” that were posted with the selfies.
“About 10,000 people visit the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe every day. Many of them take goofy pictures, jump, skate or bike on the 2,711 concrete slabs of the 19,000 m² large structure,” Shapira wrote. “The exact meaning and role of the Holocaust Memorial are controversial. To many, the grey stelae symbolize gravestones for the 6 Million Jews that were murdered and buried in mass graves, or the grey ash to which they were burned to in the death camps.”
For those, who found themselves in these photos Shapira offers to take them down upon request through e-mail undouche.me@yolocaust.de.
Got wisdom to pour?
As a Muslim I find this outrageous and extremely offensive. The dead should be honored and respected. Let alone the victims of a horrific genocide crime. Idiots live among us.
I am glad someone did this. I avoid this memorial at all costs because of what I witnessed there, two blonde children running and jumping all over, people sitting and eating, taking selfies with ice cream. No respect. What the fuck is wrong with people? I do agree there should be more signage, but literally, if Instagram SAYS where you are when you post-ya think!?
I am glad someone did this. I avoid this memorial at all costs because of what I witnessed there, two blonde children running and jumping all over, people sitting and eating, taking selfies with ice cream. No respect. What the fuck is wrong with people? I do agree there should be more signage, but literally if Instagram SAYS where you are when you post—ya think!?
We should not assume that this attempt to shame the selfie-takers ever had its indended effect. Many young people who visit Berlin are from countries where they have been raised to believe, for example, that Jews are evil people and the Nazis did not go far enough, and should have allowed one third of Europe’s Jewish population to survive, or that the Holocaust narrative is a Jewish/Zionist fraud on the world. These young people have no problem being “shamed” while having their fun. show respect to the dead? Bear in mind that there are many visitors to Berlin who were raised to believe the Holocaust narrative was a invention and/or fraud, while there are also many who beleive the Nazis did not go far enough by leaving one third of Europe’s Jewish population alive.
We should not assume that this attempt to shame the selfie-takers ever had its indended effect. Many young people who visit Berlin are from countries where they have been raised to believe, for example, that Jews are evil people and the Nazis did not go far enough, and should not have allowed one third of Europe’s Jewish population to survive, or that the Holocaust narrative is a Jewish/Zionist fraud on the world. These young people have no problem being “shamed” while having their fun.
I hope they get arrested for this. shocking and appalling they allow this. They should be criminalized for it. How can people be so heartless.?
Wow …
I hope they get arrested for this.
We should not assume that this attempt to shame the selfie-takers ever had its indended effect. Many young people who visit Berlin are from countries where they have been raised to believe, for example, that Jews are evil people and the Nazis did not go far enough, and should have allowed one third of Europe’s Jewish population to survive, or that the Holocaust narrative is a Jewish/Zionist fraud on the world. These young people have no problem being “shamed” while having their fun.
We should not assume that this attempt to shame the selfie-takers will have its indended effect. Many young people who visit Berlin are from countries where they have been raised to believe, for example, that Jews are evil people and the Nazis did not go far enough, and should have allowed one third of Europe’s Jewish population to survive, or that the Holocaust narrative is a Jewish/Zionist fraud on the world. These young people have no problem being “shamed” while having their fun.
Jesus Christ! I opened this never expecting to be bawling my eyes out by the end. 😭😭😭😭
Thanks for the memes.