10 Adulthood Comics That Are Sad And Hilarious At The Same Time
Is adulthood everything you ever dreamed of when you were a kid? Or it’s not all that ‘do whatever I want’ and ‘being my own boss’ deal? Yeah… there’s quite a bit more going on in the life of an adult and some of it, frankly, is quite hilarious as these artists were quick to illustrate.
Bored Panda has collected 10 of the most spot-on depictions of life as an adult, from the same unrealistic expectations getting shattered to overworking yourself. And we’re pretty sure you’re about to see yourself in some of these as well.
Image source: The Awkward Yeti
Image source: Resenate
Image source: nazzquipit
Image source: Loading Artist
Image source: Owlturd
Image source: mrlovenstein
Image source: booksofadam
Image source: John Atkinson
Image source: Poorly Drawn Lines
Image source: Lunarbaboon
Got wisdom to pour?
Your source for comic #2 is incorrect. This is from Bluechair by Shen Comix (published to WEBTOON Jan. 10th, 2015).
correct source: https://www.webtoons.com/en/slice-of-life/bluechair/ep-59-busy-work/viewer?title_no=199&episode_no=61