25 Depressing Stories Disguised Under Inspiring Headlines
Sometimes, the world can be depressing. The sad truth is that there are people who live in poverty and struggle every day just to make both ends meet. But seeing someone who became successful despite the hardships could be a heartwarming story, right?
That’s not entirely correct. It may be good that they manage to lift themselves up, but the bad thing is the system that kept them in their sorry state. To show this, we present to you 25 heartwarming stories that, when you look at them deeply, are actually heartbreaking.
Tired of all these heartbreaking stories? Check out genuine wholesomeness here!
Image source: livfenty
A child can’t stay on the transplant list, solely because he’s homeless.
Image source: Semiattractivetamale
People Incarcerated by State Do More Fore Student Than State
Image source: johnogpdx
Image source: LEBassett
Image source: jules_su
Image source: feather_of_charcoal
Image source: yashar
Image source: TheBakerification
Work till you’re dead
Image source: LifeLivedWildly
Image source: MRTA03
Image source: deepwatermike
Image source: UltraBlue92
Image source: UltimateWebRedditor
Image source: BelleAriel
Image source: socializm_
Image source: Bmchris44
Image source: Public_Citizen
Image source: Notintheface1
Image source: jentrification
Image source: Voodoo_Pork
Image source: IfBarack
Image source: WrittenByHanna
Image source: throwaway8902929383
Image source: mortalstampede
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