Magical Paper-Cut Light Boxes by Hari & Deepti
Deepti Nair and Harikrishnan Panicker, who together are known as Hari & Deepti, have developed a unique style of paper art that inspires images of beautiful paintings or fairytales.
They start by cutting out designs on stiff watercolor paper. Each layer builds upon the last, enriching the scene. Then, everything is put together into a box and backlit with LED strips, creating these beautiful storybook scenes.
Panicker writes that he was inspired by Balinese shadow puppets, and their influence shows somewhat in their work – their figures are expressive and exotic, and often star in mythical scenes.
Source: theblackbookgallery.com | thumbdemon.co | cargocollective.com (via: thisiscolossal)
Got wisdom to pour?
Unbelievable! So beautiful!
Awestruck, to d very core….
Amazing art work. Wonderful !
painstaking effort and breathtaking results! nice!!