Handwritten Faces By John Sokol
Meet John Sokol, a talented Ohio based artist who created a collection of so-called word portraits depicting some of the world’s most famous writers, using their own words. While most of us would have a hard time drawing a regular portrait, he does that by using the lines from their most popular works.
You’ve probably already heard the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words”, this time – a picture is made of a thousand words.
Website: http://johnsokol-artist-author.com
Borges as “The Secret Miracle”
Baudelaire as “Les Fleurs du Mal”
James Tate as “Riven Doggeries”
G. B. Shaw as “Arms and the Man”
Barack Obama as “A More Perfect Union”
Robert Lowell as “History”
Walt Whitman as “Leaves of Grass”
R.P. Warren as “Audubon/A Vision”
You’ve probably already heard the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words”, this time – a picture is made of a thousand words.
Got wisdom to pour?