Mexican Government Let Street Artists Paint 200 Houses To Unite The Community
Tags are the lowest rank of graffiti. On the opposite end, we have macro murals, like the one painted on Palmitas district in Mexico. This mural is enormous, covering twenty thousand square meters of surface on 209 houses. This huge street art project beautified the surroundings of 452 families – 1808 people! It is said that the project eliminated youth violence and created several jobs. All in all, the Macro Mural took five months to paint.
The project is the result of cooperation between the Mexican government and graffiti outfit Germen Crew. The crew aims to revitalize the Mexican mural painting scene, and use street art to bring tradition and togetherness to community.
That, and paint humongous murals.
More info: facebook | instagram | twitter (h/t: streetartnews)
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