137-Foot Tall Starling Mural Surprises Upon Closer Inspection
Recently the city of Berlin was treated to a visit by Netherlands-based artist duo Super A and Collin van der Sluijs, who only in two days have left their mark on Germany’s capital in the form of a 137-foot-tall starling bird mural.
The artists were invited by the active urban movement called Urban Nation Berlin, which offered an idea. The invitation read: “Each starling changes its course and speed as a result of the movement of its neighbor… the movements adjust and stay strong together as a unit.“
The artists have also incorporated finer details into the mural, like jewels and plants that make up the bird’s feathers. Something that the visitors of Berlin’s Tegel area can examine upon closer inspection, or you can try finding those by zooming into the following photos by Nika Kramer.
More info: super a | collin van der sluijs (h/t: colossal)
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