30 Hysterically Funny Posts Specially Curated For 40-Year-Old Gen X’ers
There’s just something about an old familiar song or the smell of a favourite childhood dish that can trigger that nostalgic feeling within us. Where it calms us and brings back memories of carefree days.
If you love a trip down memory lane, today we have found a Facebook group by the name of ‘Righteous Memes from Generation X’. Boasting over 90K members, this group shares content that is bound to trigger a laugh only if you’re of a certain age.
More info: Facebook
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Image source: genxmemes
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Image source: genxmemes
Image source: genxmemes
Image source: genxmemes
Image source: genxmemes
Image source: genxmemes
That’s a whole lotta Gen X packed into one pic.
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Image source: genxmemes
Image source: genxmemes
Image source: genxmemes
Image source: genxmemes
Image source: genxmemes
Image source: genxmemes
Image source: genxmemes
Image source: genxmemes
Image source: genxmemes
Image source: genxmemes
Image source: genxmemes
Image source: genxmemes
Image source: genxmemes
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Image source: genxmemes
Image source: _jn00gz
Image source: DataAngel
Image source: genxmemes
Image source: genxmemes
Image source: genxmemes
Got wisdom to pour?
The song lyric is going to drive me insane. I’m scraping my brain for every Billy Joel, Phil Collins, Michael Jackson, Cyndi Lauper, Madonna, Huey Lewis, Whitney Houston, and Toto lyric I can think of and I’ve got nothing.
Rick Astley
Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down
This is just stupid. I’m gen Z (23 years old) and some of this stuff I grew up with. Some of it even still exists today! I went on one of those grav-o-tron ride things literally a few months ago at a fair. Plus I hate how this separation of generations has become a thing of superiority. We’re all individuals and have lived different situations. I still have a collection of VHS tapes that I used to watch as a kid and teen. It’s not a big deal.
There are no 40 year old Gen X ers
I make over 13,000 a month working part-time. I listened to different humans telling me how a good deal of cash they may make online,xi67 so I was determined to locate out. Well, it turned into all actual and it absolutely modified my life. Everybody must try this job now by just using
this site……… http://cashzone3.blogspot.com/
Just a complete repeat of every other Gen x meme posted recently. No originality whatsoever.
This author is just a reposter
Here’s the 80s song lyric folks!
Ready? “Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down!”
Love, @VinceSchiiling
Lol to the title of this post. Sure, 40somethings may be Gen Xers, but 40-year-olds are millennials. How hard would it be for the writer to do some basic math before posting?
41 and proudly identify with gen x. I find millennials to be largely vapid; full of $%!#, covered in tatoos, and [the female variety] also topped off with some hair colour that should exist neither in reality NOR rainbow! And don’t even start about those ne’er-do-well Zaggots! <– new pejorative for the gen.after; the flaky, flip/floppy, and fluid… (ending with trademark elipsis)
I am 42. I am the last batch of the gen x
Current 40-year-olds are millennials, not Gen-X.
I really really miss the days of hairy bush. Like hair sticking out from behind like mud flaps. Ah the good ole days.
Here’s the 80s song lyric folks! Ready? “Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down!”
#7: Preach! 🤭