Clever Dad Turns Children Into Superheroes Using Pop-Culture Mugs
How to turn your kid into a superhero? Lance Curran has found a way, and without radioactive spiders. He takes one of his many geek cups – such as Robocop mug or Hulk-cup – holds them up to cover a kid’s face, takes a picture, and voila! A tiny superhero is born on Instagram.
Lance Curran describes himself as “warehouse director & comic book czar for @Threadless.” He’s also the founder of Arcade brewery – it sells its beers with comic book panels and stories that last multiple bottles. Furthermore, Curran is the “High Priest” of Secret Panel, which sells limited edition posters by various artists, including comic book notables.
More info: arcadebrewery.com | Instagram | Twitter (h/t: boredpanda)
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