Star Wars On Vacation By Kyle Hagey

Published 10 years ago

Fictional characters rarely go on holiday, unless it’s some “fun” episode on TV series. Kyle Hagey sends the most serious of characters – Star Wars heroes and soldiers – on some well-deserved rest. Who knows, maybe Darth Vader would like to just sit down and smell the flowers. Can he even sense smell? Who cares, look at the at battle droid lounging there with a glass of wine. Clearly he has some romance on the mind.

Kyle Hagey writes that he likes naps, high fives and Judge Judy. He sells the prints of his works on Etsy. Hagey uses 3D Studio Max, Photoshop and other tools to make images. “I start out by thinking up something weird, get reference photos, plan a layout in Photoshop, and make each asset,” he described the process on his website. “Once I have some stuff I merge it into a scene, hate it, delete half and tell myself I’ll just live in the woods instead.”

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Martynas Klimas

Writes like a mad dervish, rolls to dodge responsibility, might have bitten the Moon once.

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Battle Droid, C3PO, darth vader, Force Awakens, geek art, geeks, Kyle Hagey, nerd art, nerds, star wars, Star Wars Characters On Holiday, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, stormtroopers, The Force