Romantic Pictures Of Gay Couples Around The Globe Challenge Public Representation Of LGBT Community
New York-based photographer and visual artist Braden Summers travelled around the globe to create a beautiful photo series representing romantic scenes exclusively with gay couples. The photographs in the Kickstarter-funded “All Love Is Equal” project show a non-stereotypical representation of gay couples in iconic romantic scenes that were shot in 6 weeks and in six different countries: the UK, France, India, Lebanon, Brazil and the U.S.
“When thinking of iconic romance, ask yourself if any imagery (paintings, photographs, film-stills) comes to mind that is not showing heterosexual couples? Probably not,” points out Summers, who identifies himself as gay.
“A large driving force behind creating this series was actually less about affecting the gay community directly, and more about giving the general population a way to relate to gay imagery which is devoid of sex, victimization, or banality – themes that might usually prevent some folks from connecting,” writes Summers. “The photographs are not documentations, they are dreamy illustrations of what open expressions of love in different cultures *could* look like in the future, more accepting time.”
Ethnically appropriate models were used in most of the cases only to assure the safety of real LGBTQ members. Summers is eager to continue the project, travelling around the globe to expand our understanding of the beauty and diversity of love.
Source: bradensummers.com | Facebook | Twitter
Got wisdom to pour?
Guys, you’re missing the point. The point isn’t realism–it’s reframing traditional, iconic photos of love with gay relationships instead of straight ones. There are tons of professional photoshoots/pin ups that use models for straight ads. If you want candid, raw photos of gay relationships, go like any LGBT page on Facebook.
I, for one, intensely enjoy this. I actually teared up a little.
Ditto! You stated it perfectly!
Ditto! You stated it perfectly!
Exactly! This is beautiful! It perfectly fulfilled the purpose the artist had in mind.
yes, i must have missed the point. i’m shaking i’m so upset. watching this video made me feel that love is so much farther away and inaccessible to those of us that aren’t the “ideal” like the models. reframing is great, but why not take the opportunity to reframe…all of it?
I don’t think they all look like models at all! Many very ordinary looking. It’s the scenes around them, and some of them with their clothes that looks stunning.
I think being upset to the point of shaking, is an overreaction and a projection of your own wishes onto anothers vision.. He’s reframing iconic scenes of romance, that includes Models, exotic locations, and fashion forward appearances. If it was candid, and ordinary, it wouldn’t be a recreation of iconic images with the added gay element.
Drama Queen
So should super models be excluded from expressing love for each other. I am a fat at times non confident person (BTW my profile photo is by a professional photographer from 2009) I feel that the opportunity for a love-of-my-life relationship is over. I am 57 and single but I am still touched by the beauty of seeing two people expressing affection and regard for each other. Can’t we be happy for our brothers and sisters when they find love even if they have good looks. After all looks are not forever.
Agreed Hughes =)
Like most art, different people respond in different ways, which speaks more about the viewer than the art itself.
Still – too much perfection – hair all done up, make up perfect, teeth, clothes … pfff an advertisement.
Why on earth would you complain that these people are to pretty and that it’s staged? Haven’t we already have enough; ‘bra-less-in-tanktop, birckenstock wearing lezzies’ and ‘gay couple with colourfull scarf and funky glasses holding a poodle’, photoshoots. Haven’t seen a lot of pictures from gay couples that are this beautiful and glamorous. Great job!
It’s not like the only options we have for media portrayals of LGBT people are “tired stereotypes” and “supermodels”. How about “average-looking people”?
When do you EVER see “average-looking people” in something artsy like this?
Wow. Wish some of you would just enjoy the message and beauty being presented rather than picking it apart. Sorry his idea was not good enough for you. Perhaps you should create your own series rather than judging that of someone who is trying to make a difference.
Wow. Wish some of you would just enjoy the message and beauty being presented rather than picking it apart. Sorry his idea was not good enough for you. Perhaps you should create your own series rather than judging that of someone who is trying to make a difference.
I totally agree with you!!!
the only difference this makes is that it sets us back 30 years. why does the photographer feel the need to ‘normalise’ us into a heterosexual, christian way of living and behaving? its not art, its propaganda
I love the Hindis and the (?) Masai showing us a Christian way of living! You’re hilarious.
I don’t think it’s trying to normalize so much as present an alternative view of what is normal – and maybe this sounds naiive but to see that love isn’t bound by social norms. Or at least it shouldn’t be.
Christian & Heterosexual
Just because these images dont represent your debaucherous lifestyle doesnt make them wrong.
While I agree, I would avoid saying “Debaucherous” it feels… Judgy.
right on! you said it! exactly!
how r u??
“Ethnically appropriate models were used in most of the cases only to assure the safety of real LGBTQ members.”
So fake couples. Got it.
Right, because if they had used real homosexual couples the poor bastards would probably end up dead.
Thank you!
This would be much more useful if every person in it didn’t scream super model. Amazingly beautiful photos and people, but not realistic.
You say that because perhaps you are fat. Not everyone is obese and ugly. Some people actually do look like fashion models walking around.
the thought crossed my mind briefly as well, but then also that it probably wouldn’t occur to me if were paired as heterosexuals, as we’re so used to seeing that in ads without pondering whether they would REALLY be a couple or if they’re too pretty to make it feel “real”.
Not just you but a couple different people had mentioned it would have been better if they weren’t super models. Are “super models” not people, do they not exist along side us “normal” people? I don’t understand how all the people featured in this is not normal people just because they are attractive.
So we’re donating for him to travel the world, basically. I’ll save my money so I can visit those places.
This all looked staged: perfect makeup, attire, pose, etc. – It would be more meaningful if captured raw.
It’s just impossible to get real pictures of homosexuals marrying at the Hindu tradition…. hilarious
This is a fantastic photo series, thanks for bringing attention to this!
where are all the fat gay people ?
In general French citizens are thinner. They structure their meals in a way that its healthier, therefore they weigh less. They dont have American fatty foods either…But I get your point, these people are flawless, totally staged.
In general Americans are healthier , because we don’t smoke like french’s do
WRONG! More people in the US die from such smoking and alcohol related disease.
Actually, life expectancy in France is 81.64 years vs. the US at 78.64. France also ranks #1 in healthcare, while the US ranks #37. Disgraceful.
and guess you had the worst economy and who is paying for that “free” healthcare…
What are french’s?
I beg to differ. Europe has far better food and exercise habits. They actually walk to places and don’t have to have SUVs because it’s the only size vehicle a USA rump will fit in..
Their food isn’t filled with all kinds of inedible nonsense and they understand the concept of moderation. You don’t find fast food joints on every corner because they don’t want them, and they’re usually boycotted.
Weren’t the comments supposed to be about the art showed here and not weighing French against the Americans ??!!!
Don’t have American fatty food? You might want to revise your position. Recent data shows that half of all sandwiches sold in France were burgers in 2013 (it was 1 in 10 back in 2003). Also, 70% of all restaurants in France have a burger on their menu and in the places that do it happens to be the best selling item… things are changing and fast.
Gawd we all know America is taking over the world via the method of making us all sat-fat, sweaty, burger lovers. McDonalds was heralded as a savior to the poor in British news. The assumed fact that 70% of french restaurants have a burger on the menu, (probably to appease tourists) doesn’t really mean anything… its rate of consumption does, and we allll know who gets top points for consumer culture ;) (Though really if we all just stuck together and stopped this nitpicking for things none of us can control and instead discussed what we can effect, we’d all do well.)
It’s not to appease the tourists. Burgers have past entrecôtes as the most sold item in restaurants. My generation grew up when McDonalds started to open across the country. it’s now part of our culture as well. I was just trying to dispel the “French myth” when it comes to food as people seem blind to the changes in culture and habits.
Unbelievable. Shouldn’t we be discussing these pictures instead of the virtues of French cuisine vs American ?!
What do you want to talk about? That those picture show people of the same sex loving each other? Shouldn’t the artist or LGBT associations rejoice that people actually are beyond that? Or is it a bad thing because now some of them are going to need to find a new occupation? :)
As an Italian, I really beg you to reconsider your idea of “healthy food”.
(Just joking. I LOVE French dishes. I just find it hard to say that all that butter and sauces and dips etc etc are healthy).
No one wants to see us yet. :-( Give THAT another 50 years or more.
Where are all the fat, Asian GLBTs? You need to include them in your discussion. “No day but today”.
As a fat Asian gay trans man, thank you!!!
The same place straight people are in advert and pics…
Sorry, fat straight people
on the scrap heap with the ‘heteros’ that aren’t 00 either
I’m here in Florida. :D ºoº
Yes, given the photos presented one would wonder if they were in fact all just models anyway. Not many obviously mixed race couples..
All models. Fake fake fake. Felt like an advertisement for pads or toothpaste.
I could say the same thing about pictures of straight couples. Got news for ya. No one wants to see two tons of “fun” struttin’ their stuff. It’s disgusting. Even fat people think it’s disgusting