Company Makes Fun Of Silly Client Requests By Showing What Happens When Designers Do Everything They Are Told To Do
Japanese people are well-known for coming up with the weirdest ads ever. Sometimes they look so odd, one starts to wonder what was the thought process behind it. Well, if you really are curious, Nissin Cup Noodles has an answer for you. This brand from Japan has recently shared an example of how ads like that are created.
The company tweeted a series of pictures that show how a simple noodle advertisement was transformed into a crazy futuristic mess. The examples are accompanied by notes for designers that are urged to kick it up a notch and make some very peculiar changes in order to fit the client’s needs. Each time they do exactly as their told, the ad gets more and more… bold, to put it mildly. But we suppose it works if the client wants the ad to really “pop”, right?
Scroll down to see the progress that one simple picture went through to become the epic noodle ad.
More info: Twitter (translation: Kimiko Foo, h/t)
This casual-looking photo started a heavy storm on the Japanese side of Twitter
It was recently tweeted by a Japanese company called Nissin Cup Noodles
They, however, decided the picture needed improvements, “Please allow us a moment while we fix some mistakes brought up by the client. They say it’s not cheesy enough…”
Their first edits led to this, but it clearly wasn’t cool enough
So more perfectly reasonable requests were made
And absurd took complete control of the situation
Got wisdom to pour?
Actually I kinda like the final result–pop art beyond Andy Warhol and Salvador Dali. But when I saw the cheese puddle in her hand and laughed so hard I blew a fart!
WHAT? I posted THREE TIMES and can’t edit or remove? Nothing happens when you hit ‘SAY IT” so now I know… Anyway, I really did fart when I saw that cheese.
Actually I kinda like the final result–pop art beyond Andy Warhol and Salvador Dali. But then I saw the cheese puddle in her hand and laughed so hard I farted!
Actually I kinda like the final result–pop art beyond Andy Warhol and Salvador Dali. But then I saw the cheese puddle in her hand and blew a fart!
Hmmm…it’s not allowing me to post. I’ll rewrite it.