30 Times Tech Support People Stumbled Upon The Worst Things While On The Job (New Pics)

Published 3 years ago

Working in tech support is more than just installing printers and resetting forgotten passwords. And sometimes it even involves dealing with things that require a strong stomach.

Tech support people are sharing pictures of the worst things they had to deal with on the job to the r/TechSupportGore subreddit, and they’ll make you appreciate this profession even more. Check it out in the gallery below, and if you want more, see our previous posts here and here!

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#1 The Computer Keeps Overheating

Image source: -Dastardly-

#2 Is This The Worst Spaghetti Cabling Ever?

Image source: starsky1357

#3 Yes, That’s Concrete

Image source: rahcek

#4 First It Made Burning Smells, Then It Beeped, Then It Died. Colourful Ants!

Image source: Rusty-Hinge

#5 Look How They Murdered My Boy

Image source: flamewingdragon

#6 Yea, The Printer Will Not Print If You Leave The Plastic Packaging On The Paper!

Image source: spazzo246

#7 That Is An Ant Inside The Screen!!!

Image source: gwarsh41

#8 Slpt: Laptop Charger Panini Press

Image source: voiping

#9 Ps5 In For Hdmi Replacement. Kid Said “I Pushed The Cable In A Little Too Hard”

Image source: cdq1985

#10 I Found This While Scrolling Through My Camera Roll From 2018, Enjoy

Image source: Ascaban

#11 The Forbidden Capri Sun

Image source: Veraciouz

#12 Customer Came In With A 512gb Ssd In Their MacBook Pro That Only Had 77gb Of Their Own Data On It, Yet It Was Reading As Full Of “Other” Files. After Some Digging It Turns Out That Apple Mail & Gmail Were Writing A New Encyclopedia Britannica Behind The Scenes. That’s A Whole Lot Of Text

Image source: Po1eTrain

#13 Just Had A Laptop Returned That Has A Used Bandaid As A Webcam Cover

Image source: LEGOjon96

#14 Grossest Controller Of The Year Goes To

Image source: Speedy_Greyhound

#15 Unironically Canadian It Gore

Image source: theodore1029

#16 Forbidden Caprisun

Image source: Robert694n

#17 Laptop Left Turned On In A School Bag Mixed With A Moldy Sandwich In The Same Compartment

Image source: clokeyyy

#18 Hot Glue Gun Ad On Facebook. Just Why

Image source: kubricktwobricks

#19 It Was A Technological Murder/Suicide Today. Crt TV Landed Directly Onto A Brand New Asus Chromebook

Image source: isawamouseboss

#20 One Of Our Clients Couldn’t Figure Out Why His Wireless Keyboard And Mouse Weren’t Working

Image source: sKiLoVa4liFeZzZ

#21 Hard Drive Data Recovery

Image source: the123king-reddit

#22 “Why My Keyboard Doesn’t Work”

Image source: gglebq

#23 While Many Of Us Are In The Business Of Tech Support, Self Help Is Often Necessary

Image source: TheJoshWS99

#24 User Complains About Weird Smell While Using His Laptop

Image source: 1337Kotoko

#25 Free Laptop! Too Bad The Screen And Keyboard Are Ruined With The Spray Paint

Image source: ilovesalome88

#28 Electrician Friend Just Sent Me This, Found During A Portable Appliance Test

Image source: kryptopeg

#27 Ps4 Botched Repair Attempt. The Shop That Did This To The Client’s Unit, Charged Them $100! Should I Put Them On Blast?

Image source: SBL_Games_Inc

#28 Friends Computer Has Been Crashing For Like 3 Years

Image source: marco23p

#29 Really Great Laptop Performance With A Core I7

Image source: ItsJMhere

#30 Lent It To A Friend…

Image source: rivo99

Aušrys Uptas

One day, this guy just kind of figured - "I spend most of my time on the internet anyway, why not turn it into a profession?" - and he did! Now he not only gets to browse the latest cat videos and fresh memes every day but also shares them with people all over the world, making sure they stay up to date with everything that's trending on the web. Some things that always pique his interest are old technologies, literature and all sorts of odd vintage goodness. So if you find something that's too bizarre not to share, make sure to hit him up!

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funny, IT, tech support, Tech Support Gore, tech support nightmares