25 People Share The Specific Rule That Was Inspired Because Of Them
I recall how in one company, there were very specific rules put in place about what food containers were allowed in the microwave after someone caused a fire accidentally. These instances of one rule being enforced to police the many because of one errant person’s behaviour can be quite vexing as everyone has to suffer the consequences for some random person’s actions. But it happens more often than not.
After all, when a precedent is set, the easiest thing for enforcers to ensure peace and harmony is to take preventative action to avoid another incident of a similar nature occurring again. So when one Redditor asked, what rules were made just because of their actions, quite a few answers poured in from mischievous miscreants online.
Image source: RingGiver
No singing *Les Miserables* at work. That first song with the prisoners working. Me with a mop.
Edit: Earlier in that shift, I brought about a rule against “Bohemian Rhapsody” too.
Image source: yourbrainonvape, musefoto / freepik
The place I work used to have unlimited coffee for their employees. Three weeks after I started working, there was a sign above the coffee maker that stated that employees were limited to 3 cups a day.
When I was a kid we had a contest where we got divided into teams and had to design and build solar-powered model boats which we were then supposed to race on the pond behind the school. We had an odd number of people so I was put on the one team that had 3 people instead of 2, and I got stuck with a pair of idiots that just wanted to f**k off the whole time, so I asked if I could just be on a team by myself. I made my boat a catamaran design, made in one piece out of insulating foam, and made it an airboat instead of trying to fiddlefuck a water propeller (I used one of the little red plastic props off the old balsa fliers we all loved as kids)
My s**t TROUNCED the field, so they ran the race three more times with the same result, then made a rule that you had to be on a team defined as “more than one person” to compete. Right, it’s totally unfair that I had no one to help while you other a******s did. Unfair to THEM, somehow. :D
Edit: minor typo, plus: Just to make it worse there were several teams where a parent had clearly done the entire project for the kids involved or bought a model and just fixed the project kit to it. Most other designs were made out of wood, or lacked any way of trimming out the steering or thrust to account for a crosswind or tendency to track crooked while mine drew basically no water and the pylon with the prop on it could be rotated.
I hadn’t thought about this in years but now I’m a little butt-mad all over again. :P
Image source: fireandlifeincarnate, freepik
My high school used to have a d**g project where we’d have to give a presentation on a certain d**g. There was a little thing on how it’s made, like in a lab or it’s a plant or whatever.
I misunderstood how in depth that part was supposed to be.
Long story short, I spent fifteen minutes teaching the entire freshman boys health class how to make black tar h**oin.
They don’t have that part of the project anymore.
There is a required pin to change profile pictures on the classroom iPads now. This is because I decided to change every staff member’s profile picture in the school iPads to a smiling, old Mexican man on April 1st.
Image source: hopelessmuggle, freepik
My cousins and I were banned from playing near glass surfaces when we were younger
When I was six my cousin told me I wasn’t as strong as him because I was a girl, and proceeded to hold the handle of the glass back door shut from the outside. I was pushing on the door to open it and somehow ended up with my left arm through the glass. My mom walked in and was horrified. Ended up getting 13 stitches on my arm, but at least my cousin will never forgot the sheer strength of determined women :)
Image source: anon, rawpixel.com / freepik
The library started putting up signs about “Authorized computer activities” because I remotely rebooted the computers of noisy kids over and over. To be fair, it was a *library*.
Image source: eyeintheskyonastick, fabrikasimf / freepik
“Students are prohibited from organizing, advertising, playing, observing, or otherwise engaging in any form of rummy, blackjack, Texas Hold ‘Em, 5/7 card stud/draw, Pai Gow, or poker during lunch period. Poker chips and cards are prohibited from school grounds except when required for specific, pre-approved activities or projects. Violation of this policy is subject to expulsion and referral to law enforcement for illegal gambling.”
This was middle school, decades ago. Our first (and last) Annual [school district] Texas Hold ‘Em Tournament, presented by Jr’s Bait Shop, was a resounding success.
Image source: racooncoup, freepik
I was going to my first guitar lesson at school so I asked someone where the band room was and he pointed in its general direction. I tried to open the door that led to the room he pointed at, but it was kind of hard to open. So I pushed harder, and a giant bookcase came crashing down onto the floor. I don’t have any idea why they put a huge bookcase in front of a push door. But now there’s a permanent sign on the door that says: “DO NOT OPEN THIS DOOR—EVER!!!”
TL;DR: I accidentally pushed down a huge bookshelf and now there’s a super angry sign on the door.
Image source: toptrot, wavebreakmedia_micro / freepik
No aluminium bats on campus.
Spanish class Piñata party gone very wrong. Still have the scar.
Tarantulas are not permitted on school property.
Image source: maveric_gamer, mindandi / freepik
My senior year in HS, I had an English teacher who allowed all work to be turned in up to the last week of class. I turned in pretty much every assignment right about then, apart from the end-of-unit projects.
Next semester, all the work for all units was due at the end of the unit.
Image source: Shosh99, fxquadro / freepik
Students are forbidden to jump out through the windows.
Image source: Inopmin, ASphotofamily / freepik
No lightsabers at the swimming pool.
Image source: zingzang82
I recently just beat cancer at 13. When I would stay at the hospital they would have to test my urine. Capri Suns made me pee better, and the floor had Capri Suns on the floor. Long story short, I depleted the Capri sun supply on the whole floor twice. The cafeteria ended up making a rule that you have to order Capri Suns through them.
Image source: ktagly2, Jun Seita
No more Pictionary at Grandma’s house.
My sister and I were on the same team. I pulled “9/11” (my aunt made some really odd topics). I drew 2 tall lines for the buildings and the. Started to draw a plane/bird as two arches. I got halfway through the first arch and she got it. A giant fight erupted with my big Italian family they were cheating.
This was, of course, not the first or last game banned by my Grandma. Our highly competitive and argumentative family isn’t allowed to play spoons (bloody nose), apples to apples (old people don’t get younger people choosing the funniest answer, not the correct one), or musical chairs (broken arms).
Image source: jtolb65, freepik
Coffee was banned in the training room at EarthLink after I spilled a whole cup into a CRT monitor.
Image source: OGCloudRiPs, EyeEm / freepik
Birds are not considered a “pattern” on polos for the school dress code, I had a shirt with toucans on it and the Dean called me out in front of the whole school.
Image source: foureyesoffury, freepik
My high school made us leave our backpacks in our lockers because my Spanish teacher tripped over mine and sprained her ankle. She was on crutches and everything. She was a raging b***h, but I still felt really bad.
Image source: CandelaBelen, freepik
In elementary school, 2nd grade I think, I had to pee really really bad, but I was in music class and my teacher was singing us a song and playing guitar, so I went up to her anyways and asked to pee and she got upset. And since then she would remind us all that we can’t go up to her while she’s singing to ask to pee. I just didn’t want to pee my pants, woman.
Image source: undeniablybuddha, pressfoto / freepik
Coworkers must respect the costume choices of others.
Image source: IPInYourNetwork, freepik
There was supposed to be a cap on vacation time at one of my previous employers.
I don’t know why no one ever picked this up (it was a startup, still people had left before I did) but the vacation kept accruing. When I left instead of 2 weeks in the “bank” there were 5 weeks in there and they had to pay me. I’m sure they could have jumped through hoops but there wasn’t anything in the handbook that had a cap in writing (although we were told it was 2 weeks) so they just paid me. The fact I didn’t leave on bad terms helped a lot I’m sure.
When I got the check, it was for 9 weeks, not 5. Why 9 you ask? We also had a policy that after 5 years you could take a month-long sabbatical. This was considered earned time and if you didn’t take it and left the company, it was payable as unused PTO.
After I left they made damn sure no one had more than 2 weeks of PTO banked, put out a new handbook, and they ended the sabbatical for new employees going forward (people grandfathered in got to keep it).
Image source: KenIsUnoriginal, freepik
If you can solve a Rubik’s cube, you’re not allowed to have one in class.
Image source: RonSwansonsOldMan, freepik
Only two servings of fried okra are allowed at my college cafeteria. I went to college in the south. I had never tasted fried okra before. I went crazy and ate plateful after plateful.
Image source: NunzAndRoses, freepik
My high schools marching band is no longer allowed to
Stack bunk beds at the dorms we stayed at for band camp
Bring video game consoles to band camp
Visit the girls dorm at band camp period
Sit next to the opposite gender on the band bus trips
All the bags need to be thoroughly searched for all band trips
*Note : This was not my sole doing, but the combined efforts of basically my entire senior class in the band.
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