30 Of The Silliest Signs Spotted In Public
Signs seem to have taken over our surroundings, appearing in every corner and crevice imaginable. With their sheer abundance, it’s easy to overlook them and potentially miss out on important information.
But fear not! There exists a realm entirely devoted to signs, particularly those that tickle our funny bones. Enter Funny Signs™ on X, where you’re in for a delightful journey filled with laughter. So, fasten your seatbelts and get ready for some hilarious directions ahead.
Image source: HilariousSigns
Full of Giggles: I laughed harder than it deserves.
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Image source: HilariousSigns
Image source: HilariousSigns
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Bear Hall: “Unsinkable and now we mean it.”
Image source: HilariousSigns
Full of Giggles: That’s what it’s all about.
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ʁɨɂɥɒ: Mmm excuse me are you guys hiring now ???
Image source: HilariousSigns
Julia Mckinney: No, I’m not, and I’d like to have a word with you about that.
Image source: HilariousSigns
james stevenson: Ar, the joiz ov speling
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Image source: HilariousSigns
Lotekguy: A much smaller percentage of clowns than kings have ordered executions for subjects who displeased them. Safety first!
Image source: HilariousSigns
Image source: HilariousSigns
James stevenson: “Call it fate. Call it luck. Call it karma. I believe everything happens for a reason.” – Peter Venkman
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Nathaniel (He/Him) Cis Het.: Welcome to L. Notice there’s no poo in it? Let’s keep it that way.
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Image source: HilariousSigns
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Image source: HilariousSigns
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ʁɨɂɥɒ: And hard to kidnap.
Image source: HilariousSigns
Image source: HilariousSigns
3 possums in a coat: Behold, the power of REMOVING COMMAS
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Nathaniel (He/Him) Cis Het.: Wait until you hear the punchline
Image source: HilariousSigns
Image source: HilariousSigns
Full of Giggles: How many genitalia touched the buttons before they put up the sign? On second thought, I don’t want to know.
Image source: HilariousSigns
Image source: HilariousSigns
Image source: HilariousSigns
Happy Quokka: How much is that in bananas?
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